Werewolf Forest::Chapter 15

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Hey guys! Ok so I WAS planning to not write until the school year ended. But then I saw that my story had dropped to the 800's on What's Hot! :'{ And also I was having withdraw symptoms! Seriously! I missed writing and posting and reading your guys' comments...I was going nuts! And it's only been 2 weeks! That's kind of sad if you ask me... but ANYWAY I won't guarantee a release date for the next chapter cuz everything gets kind of unpredictable at this time of year. Also my mom is limiting my computer time for this summer. >:[ it's to like 2 hours a day and no electronics AT ALL on Wednesday!! Sucks doesn't it? Well, ya so be patient with me, I'll be writing all of those two hours!! (And some late at night when she's asleep =P). ENJOY THIS CHAPTER AND DON'T FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT!!!


Ps. If you couldn't tell, I had coffee about twenty minutes ago!!! I'm gunna go run around my house a few times!!! SEE YAAAAA!!!

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It had been a week since I had developed my new power. Every spare minute I got was spent practicing it and my fighting skills. Andrew and Davo had to literally drag me to bed every night, with me complaining and asking for 'five more minutes' like a small child with a play date that ended too early.

It's amazing how much one power can do. The strange haze acted as a sort of shield, since whenever someone was to touch it, they would be shot back a good thirty feet. We had tried so many different things with it, to test its full abilities. I couldn't put it around other people, which had disappointed Connor, but we found that nothing could penetrate it. We tried having me running into things, which only resulted in the destruction of those things, they tried stabbing it with a knife, which only resulted in the wielder of the knife being shot backwards with the knife bent in hand.

My shield was powerful, but would it be powerful enough?

As I practiced a new power surfaced. I could move objects with my mind, telekinesis I believe it's called. A power that James and I had in common. Though how mine matched to his, I was not sure.

Elli and Cece had been hanging around me the past week. They knew of my past, I assume from Andrew. They didn't try to talk to me about it, which I was grateful for. They had become my good friends. I had never really had girl friends before but it was kind of nice. Sometimes Cece would come visit Elli and me in our room over night and we would just talk about random and seemingly irrelevant things. Cece was absolutely shocked when she found out I had never had a sleepover before.

Cece was a nice girl, always happy and trying to find the best in people. But the thing about her was she never stopped talking. It's not that I minded, she was interesting to listen to, but she gave me her whole life story in ten minutes. Her parents had been divorced and her mom was married to a man similar to my father. So one day she ran away. She had just stumbled upon this house and Connor had asked her to join. Obviously, she had said yes. She had never met Danny in person but she had heard everything about him from Connor and Andrew. Her eyes softened and her cheeks went red when she talked about Connor. It was easy to see her infatuation with him, though she never voiced it.

Elli was a little more complicated. She never really talked about her past, though I had the idea it was just too painful. Whenever I would ask a question or she would accidently let something slip her eyes would glaze over as if she was traveling through her memories, back to a time not so happy as now.

We were all sitting outside at a picnic table I never noticed. We each had some kind of food in our hand; Andrew an apple, Elli a granola bar, Cece a small bag of chips, and Davo, Connor and I sandwiches. Elli broke a small part of her granola bar and threw it at Andrew, hitting him strait in the eye.

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