Werewolf Forest::Chapter 24

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Alright a little warning this is only half-edited. Normally I go over a chapter 3 maybe 4 times after I have what I want in it but I only went over it about 2 times this time. Just keep that in mind. So go enjoy!!  


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Her face was pale with blood loss, her skin purple and swollen where their bare feet had brutally met her flesh. My eyes were focused on her chest, making sure it continued its steady path of up down, up down. It had been only hours since someone had heard my cries for help and brought us back to the infirmary. The doctor said it was close, but she would be all right. She had woken up only briefly, her groggy, oxygen-deprived brain sending out rambles of incoherent words and weakly struggling against the doctors hold. She was sleeping now, and despite the new-forming bruises and bleeding knife-tracks, she looked peaceful.

The doctor came over to me once again begging to let her tend to my wounds, but I refused, a slight growl under my breath. The cut in my back was hardly life threatening, but still she said it needed stiches. My shield had deflected most of the blow; the doctor said if it wasn't for that, I would be dead. And maybe I should have been. This was my fault. I had run out into the forest when I had smelled them coming. She called for me again and again, but I ignored her. It was all my fault...

"Maggie." I turned my head slowly to look at Connor, who stood at the door. "Come on. You need to get cleaned up and get some rest. She'll be fine. I promise."

"No..." I whispered. "I'm not leaving."

"You need rest. Now come on, let Amy stitch you up then go take a shower. Please just do it."

"...Alright..." At Connor's signal the doctor came back over, carrying disinfectant and a needle and thread. I laid on my belly on the hospital bed next to Cece, still keeping a watchful eye on her, but my vision was blocked when the nurse pulled the curtain around my cot. I felt the needle tug at the gaping divide on my spine. The pain barley registered to me though, my mind was far away from the infirmary, far away from the house, far on the other side of the forest.

* * *

The Doctor led me up the stairs to the small library. The unused door creaked as I opened it, but the noise didn't seem to bother Connor. He was hunched over at a desk, shuffling through the pelt of papers that clothed the desk. A mumbling of incoherent words came from him as he wrote something down and began to search through the stacks.

The doctor cleared her throat, finally getting Connors attention. "Hello." He stood up and walked to us. "Just working out the supply list for this month." He gestured to the clutter of papers that almost hid the desk from sight.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked.

"I was wondering, Maggie... Would you be willing to plead your case to the counsel? They're all listening to Sasha; she can be very persuasive when she wants to be. And Gunner has some pull with the others too and that doesn't help."

"Where are you going with this Connor?"

"Well, I'm thinking that the council will continue to listen to Sasha and Gunner as long as you and Davo remain an unknown threat." He went back to his desk, pushing the papers together in a messy pile. "That's what they're afraid of; the fact that they don't know you. None of them, well besides Andrew and I, have heard your story. All they know is that you were in Danny's pack for a time, and to them, that's suspicions. It took them almost a year to begin to trust Elli. I highly doubt Sasha or Gunner could be swayed, but Cameron is on the edge, he's been following Sasha but he's not as resolved in it as Gunner is. It's possible he could be convinced of your innocence. And then there's Ally. I have known her for some time and she's a very reasonable person. And while Sasha did make some good arguments, I think she will change her mind once she has had a chance to ask you questions. I think you should meet with them, tell them your story. Show them that you and Davo are innocent."

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