Chapter 6: Plan A

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News of what had happened the other day spread throughout the gang system. Paco had already had two people killed for mocking Paco's loss of money and control over the situation. I led myself towards his office with ease, knowing others in the warehouse were staring. I had nothing to be worried about, Paco wouldn't touch me. I kept a stern face and walked towards his office.

Right as I was about to touch the door knob, Jared called out across the room, "I wouldn't go in there right now. He's taking his frustration out on a client." I turned around slowly to see him sitting on a couch across the warehouse, staring at me. His light brown hair pushed back and a smile, slightly raised to make his cheeks a little big. Jared as always been a joke in mine and Paco's eyes. He's been around for about 2 years now. He has always believed that he would be a suitable leader when Paco leaves. The only reason Paco keeps him around is because he's good with computers. Paco actually can't stand him and would probably shoot him dead without even thinking too hard about it. I nod just to get him off my back. I give a loud bang on the door to here Paco give me admission right afterwards.

I walk in to the smell of strong liquor and sex. Paco is sitting in his chair, smoking a cigarette with his pants unbuttoned. In the corner, there's a whore frantically getting dressed, hair knotted and makeup smeared. 

"It's okay, both of you sit." says Paco in between a puff of smoke. The whore sits down quickly, faster than I do. "So," he continues, "what's the news?"

I sigh, "The police are sending her to Paris to hide. She's going to be on full watch." Paco's face turns into a disgusted look as he puts out his half finished cigarette. I hear him mumble "damn" under his breath. He stands and makes his way over to his whore for the day. He stands behind her, playing with her hair as she starts to relax. I already know what's coming for her. In a split second, he pulls out a large blade from his pocket and slices her neck open and pushes her to the ground. His movement was swift and quiet. The only time she made a noise was her body hitting the ground.

"You waste so many of those," I say cool.

"Yeah, but that's how I get my frustration out," he replies, wiping his blade with a piece of cloth. He looks over at me with a sort of smirk. He steps over her, now lifeless body, and walks back to his chair.

"Well I'm not cleaning that up," I laugh. The sight of death used to make me uncomfortable, now it seems to be a normal thing.

"Get that retard Jared to," he mumbles. I stand and call for Jared out the door. He looks down at her, disgusted and starts to pick up Paco's trash. After Jared finally leaves, Paco looks over at me.

"I have a newbie that I need to test out," he says, "I'll send him over to Paris to have her killed. Pretty simple."

"Which one?" I ask.

"Zack, the blonde kid from last week. His aim still sucks, but it'll give him some practice," he says, "Hopefully he grows a pair and doesn't freak out."

"And what if he can't do it?" I ask.

Paco smirks at me, "Then that's just another body."

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