Chapter 19: Hidden Agenda

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The last dissmal bell of the day goes off and everyone rushes towards their lockers. My friend, April, joins me while we walk towards my locker. She told me how worried she was about me, how everyone was. That I just dissappeared right off the face of the earth and no one knew where I went. I wish that was really the case. After a few minutes, she tells me her mom is waiting for her so she hurries off and I'm left alone to my opened locker.

As I'm finishing with putting my books up, I'm approached. The new kid, John, greets me.

"I didn't know you were friends with April," He says, smiling and leaning up on the lockers.

"Yeah, we're getting kinda closer now," I answer back.

"Well listen," he begins, "Prom isn't too close, but it isn't too far away. I need your help on asking her to it. Maybe this weekend?" 

"Uh yeah. Sure!" I say, kinda excited. He smiled at my response.

"I want to ask her at the mall, but if I ask her to come, she'll know something's up. So what I want you to do is invite her there. I'll text you when I get there, just make sure she stays near JCPenny's. I'll need you to come help my carry in the balloons though for her and then I'll ask her. Okay?" He says. I nod cheerfully. Looking over his shoulder, he sees that the buses are getting ready to leave.

"Well, here's my number," he says quickly as he jots down his number on a piece of paper, "Saturday sound okay?"

"Sounds fine," I reply back, smiling.

"Okay, good. I'll see you then!" he says as he jogs off towards the pick-up area.

"Everything is starting to be normal again," I think to myself as I rush towards the buses with a smile on my face.

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