Chapter 13: A New Beginning

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I'm awaken by an officer running into my hospital room. I'm surprised by his unexpected entrance and fear the worse. Mom stares at him blankly.

"They found him," the officer announces. I sit up, amazed by the news. Mom's eyes get huge. This means we can go home. Everything will be normal again. No more hiding or fearing.

In the next few hours, we're told that I have recovered to the point of where I can leave. The police have announced that a young boy had killed himself earlier today and left a suicide note confessing to my attack. The boy did it because he had felt like he had to and pursued me. The American police believe it was obsession that drove him to go after me like he did. My story was all over the local news.

The next day, we packed our bags and got on a plane back to the United States. We're greeted by my Dad at the airport and a long hug. In about a week, I'm allowed to go back to school.

Until then, I laid in my bed, resting as much as I could. About three days of being back, Mom walks into the room and sits at the foot of my bed.

"I just got off the phone with the jail. They said that they're putting Brandon back with the other inmates. Tomorrow is visitation too. Brandon asked to see you.." she trailed off. Brandon was a touchy topic for the whole family. It's tough accepting that your brother is a convicted murderer.

"I'll go," I reply back.

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