Votes are in:

2 0 1

The judges flipped their cards up and the votes were in. It got dark before I could see the names, and a light was shinning down... On me! I was standing next to Toby and figured out I won.

The crowd started cheering and I started crying of happiness. I hugged Toby for about 2 minutes and everyone except Tesa was hugging me and all around my baby horsie!

"You did it, Alexis!!" Gabriela was hugging me the longest and I knew from the start, that I have a future ahead of me.

I hopped onto Toby and Gabriela hopped on Beauty. We both galloped out of the stadium like the wind. "Catch me if you can, Gab!" I smiled and kept riding. "Not for long!" She yelled back at me and we were already outside. I stopped Toby from galloping and stood there. "You're one of the most best friends that I have ever had, you know that?" I waited for an answer. "Alexis, I-I--- let-let you win..." Gabriela looked at me and a tear rolled down my cheek. "Forget it, I'm already bullied at school and now it's this, how could you?" I galloped off and Gabriela sat there in the dump. "I-I'm sorry Alexis..." She whimpered.

I yanked Toby's tack off after we got to the trailer. "This is why I never trust any of my friends!" Tears were rolling down my face and Toby just had his ears perked back, knowing.

Once I got Toby in the trailer, I stomped to the truck and got inside. "I give up on competitions." I drove home and unlocked the door. "Mom, Gabriela made me win. She's never gonna be my friend again. I give up on competitions. Don't even make me go back. I know full well Gabriela won." I stomped upstairs and slammed my bedroom door. "Oh honey. I just got back from the competition and was waiting for you to get home. I was so excited and now your just sad. Why would Gabriela do that to you?" Mom talked to me from downstairs. "JUST DON'T TALK TO ME!!," I screamed


Awww... Poor Alexis... Next book is coming. Wait patiently!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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