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"Hey, how did it feel?", Sam asked, "Not having your mother greet you for your sixteenth birthday, little Zel. Mind sharing it with me?".

My eyes widened as I heard him. I was shocked. How did he know? Is he some kind of a psychic? But I fixed my thoughts and ignored him. I sat at the chair behind him for it was the only vacant seat. The professor came in and started the lecture. I was listening when I felt a tap on my back. I looked back and saw a girl in ruffled clothes, her school shirt not buttoned up and yet wearing a necktie, her hair all tangled up, and her face filled with make-up. Why is this kind of girl enrolled in my school?, I thought, as I faced the front again.

I heard a smirk from my behind, "What's wrong, Zel?", she muttered, "Don't you know me?".

"How did you know my name?".

"I already know it before you did.".

"What do you mean?".

But before she could answer, the bell rang and the students began going out, including her. I was so curious, I wanted to follow her. But in the middle of my, so-called 'stalking', I ran into Lyra.

"Where are you going?", she asked which I was not able to answer for I was looking at the girl who stopped near the school gate. She was grabbed by Sam and dragged out of the campus. "Hey, what are you looking at?". Lyra looked from her back. "Was it Sam again?".

"Uh, no.", I answered. "My homework!", I exclaimed as I remembered, "I need to finish it.", walking to the direction of the school library.

Lyra walked up to me and held my hand. "I'll help!", she offered with her eyes filled with excitement because she really loves helping other people, especially if it's me. "What's the subject? How many items? Is it calculation?". And so, she started questioning me. "Or is it getting definitions? Oh! How about an art? Painting?".

I chuckled, "Why do you like helping so much?", and patted her head. She shook her head and smiled as if she doesn't know the answer to my question. "Come on, don't do that.".

"That?", she questioned, "What do you mean 'that'?".

"Your smile. Don't smile.".

"Huh? So what do you want me to do? Like this...", she placed her two index fingers on the two opposite sides of her lips and pulled it down, making her face looked sad. "Ish thish whet ya went?", she rambled.

Snickering, "Hey, you look dull. Stop.", I said.

She listened to me and stopped what she was doing. But after a second, she did it again and said, "You asked for this, bear the consequence.". I ignored her because that way she'll stop and of course, it worked. "Okay. I'm tired of this.".

"I knew it. You'll eventually give up and now's the time.", I teased.

"Oh, yes, Zel. You know me well.".

We directed ourselves to the library. I finished my homework for my math subject with Lyra's help because she insisted. When the bell rang, we went to our classes. Hours flew by and classes were over. I ran to the bench beside the big tree in our school campus for Lyra and I planned to meet there because she wanted to celebrate my birthday. But I was not able to get to it for the moment I passed by the boys' comfort room, I heard a squeal which sounded like he is being tortured or something. I was disturbed, I had to take a look of what was going on.

I saw three guys persecuting a small guy. The victim was sitting on the floor and he was all soaked up with blood coming from his head. He begged for mercy as the big guy was about to hit him with a pipe. "QUIT IT.", I intruded. I walked inside the room and helped the small guy stood up, whose name was Bub as written in his nameplate. The three guys were frozen in sight as if they were still processsing the situation in their minds and I thought, they're retarded. "Let's get you to the hospital.", I said to Bub and he nodded.

I dragged him out of the boys' comfort room and asked assistance from the faculty members to bring Bub to Prancy Hospital, which is constructed just across the street since it is owned by the school, Prancy Academy.

Lyra accompanied us too. "Great job!", she told me, "You just helped a man!".

"Seriously, Lyra?".

She pouted her lips. "I'm serious. You see, this is the first time you've helped a man.", she justified, "Because... don't you remember, these past fifteen years of your existence, you've only helped animals.".

My eyes narrowed. "And what do you mean, 'goddess of assistance'?".

"You look cute.", she exclaimed. She pinched my cheeks and stretched them out but when she realized I was hurting, she stopped it. "Sorry!".

I shook my head. "Because you're giving me a headache, I want to sleep.", I rested my head on her shoulder. "Hey, don't let yourself die.", I blurted out as I remembered the dream I had. "Or else, I'll be empty.".

She was shocked by my words but she replied, "I won't die. Just help me.". She leaned forward and I fell on the chair, lying down. She stood up and approached Bub who was right in front of us, watching our 'chimmy-chummy' moment as labeled by Lyra. "You're awake.", she said to Bub, "How are you feeling?".

"Hey, I'm getting jealous.".

Lyra glanced in my direction. "Don't kid with me.", she said. Then, she faced Bub again and asked the same question.

"I'm fine now. Thanks to you and Zel.", Bub answered.

I was surprised once again. "How did you know me?", I asked, "Because I don't know you. This is the first time we've met, you know.".

He thought of it for a bit and uttered, "Your nameplate.".

"I see.", I just smiled though I wasn't convinced. Lyra didn't mention my name the moment we arrived at the hospital and even if she did, he was probably asleep. I was sure that was the first time we've met. More importantly,I wasn't wearing my nameplate the whole day so his answer was definitely invalid. "By the way, I'm sorry, you had to see the scene a while ago.", I said.

"You don't need to apologize. In fact, you guys look good together.", he replied, "And actually, I should be the one apologizing for spending your time here because of me.".

"It's all right... Bub.". Lyra looked at Bub's nameplate before she finished her statement. "We love helping people so you don't have to worry.", she said, smiling.

I nodded, "She's right.". Then I mumbled, "Well, she's the only one who loves helping others because she's the 'goddess of assistance'.", which I didn't know Lyra could hear. She nudged me instantly. "I'm kidding.", I said with a smile.

"Yes, Zel. You always act like a kid.".

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