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"I don't think we have much time for this.". Bub grabbed me and dragged me out of my house by the back door as he heard a screech from the front door.

I ran with him since I wanted to escape and leave my place for I don't want the dream I had, to happen. "From what is the screech coming from?", I asked, "I mean, what creature?".

"From Poltergeists, the noisy ghosts.", he answered.

"I see.". I decided to continue running when I remembered the contract, "Do you know where my mom is?".

"She's...". Bub was not able to finish his sentence because, "Oh come on, why are these two here?!", he saw Sam and the girl from my history class.

"You, traitor. Get your ass here.", Sam yelled, pointing at Bub. "And I'll burn you up!". Bub ignored Sam's threat and continued to run towards them. "Oh, will you be well-done or burnt?", he mocked.

"Eat flies, Maelly!", Bub raised his right hand with his palm opened and flies began coming out of his palm, "Protect your skin, Lili!". The flies attacked Sam and the girl named Lili, whom if I wasn't mistaken was the demon Lilith.

Loud screeching were heard behind my back. And when I looked back, I saw drooling little creatures – the Poltergeists – approaching us.

Though I didn't want to believe, I depended on the power I have. I opened my mouth, expecting fire to come out of it. "I am Azazel, a demon, a son of Abbadon.", I whispered.

"NOOO!". I heard Bub.

"Oh, he claimed it!", Lili ragged. "Is this show time?".

I didn't know what they were talking about until I felt a surge flow inside my body. "ARRGGHHH!", I screamed as my body hurt itself. And the next thing I knew, I already transformed into a black half-goat half-beast demon with malefic wings – my demon form. I was scared when my body started moving on its own.

"He's going outside the force field!", Bub concerned, "Stop him, will you?!".

"Let our father do what he wants, Beel.", Sam noted, "It is the best option we've got. And we can't pass through this force field. We're blocked by father.".

I started spitting out fire that burnt the suburb. People began running out of their houses; some crying and yelling, wanting to survive. I didn't like what I was seeing but I just couldn't control my body.

I walked to the next residential area after a minute of reducing the properties of the place to ashes. I saw more people became troubled by my fault. Staring down, I witness a mother who wanted to save her son. They ran and ran but they just couldn't distance from the fire I made. Unexpectedly, the boy tripped. Then, a familiar-looking girl came to help him. It was Lyra. She assisted the boy to stand up but it seemed that the boy sprained his ankle or something.

I sensed that my foot was raised and was planned to land over Lyra and the boy's location. "No. No. No. Not her!", I cried while forcing to take control over my body to prevent the event I concluded.

"Be the ruler of Hell, my son.". Someone spoke through my mind which seemed to be the father of all demons, their father, Bub's father, my father – Abbadon.

"Just leave her alone!", I shouted, "And I'll do everything you want!". My foot stopped moving and I gained control of my body. I put my foot away from Lyra and the kid. Tears dripped from my demonic eyes when I saw Lyra, crying while holding the boy in her grip. I never saw Lyra cried before because she has always been in high spirit but...

Seeing her weep, made me want to hug her and comfort her but I just couldn't do it in my condition. All I was able to do was watch her shed tears and be scared of me. I heard someone call me from my back, "Zel!", it was Bub, "Let's get going!".

I am AzazelWhere stories live. Discover now