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So, We Meet Again

**Alice POV**

"Thank you." Were his first words.

"W-wh-what?" I was taken aback. Why was he thanking me? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

"Gracie, she told me the story, how you broke out all of the innocent prisoners, saved her, carried her through the woods with guards chasing you, and how you picked her up and jumped into the river to escape. If it wasn't for you, my only living family member, the only person in the world I truly care about, would be dead."

The girl, Gracie he said her name was, was related to Damien?

"She's family to you?" I questioned "She doesn't look like your sister."

Damien chuckled. "That's because she's not. She's my niece, the only child of my only sister."

"Well, you don't have to thank me for saving her, okay, and I think I'm just gonna go now. Thanks for pulling me outta the river."

I tried to stand, but my legs were shaky and I fell. Or at least, I would've fell, if Damien hadn't caught me. I was very close to him, so close I could hear his steady heartbeat, and my breath hitches in my throat. Damien held me for a little longer then necessary, and held onto him for a little longer than necessary. Finally, he was the first to leave go.

"So i take it you'll be staying with us for a while?" He asked after i had steadied myself.

"What makes you say that?" I questioned him.

"Well, you can barely stand for one thing, and you look like you haven't eaten or slept for days." He pointed out. He was right too.

"I look that bad, huh? But still, if I'm hungry, i'll hunt, now if you'll excuse me.." I tried to walk past him out of the cave but he wasn't having any of it.

"You're staying with us. Thats final."

"You cant make me."

"I can."

"What you gonna do, lock me in a cell like you did last time?"

"No, and that was a mistake okay."

"A mistake? Uh-huh, yeah right." I said with sarcasm.

"It was. And if you wont agree to stay, i'll command you to stay. Simple."

"Haha, trust me, it wont be that easy."

"Whats that supposed to mean?"

"Go on, try it. Try to order me to stay." I sat down and looked up at him.

He took a deep breath and then, in his Alpha voice, said, "Alice Carter, I command that you do not leave this cave without my permission."

He stared at me. I held his gaze as i stood up and walked straight past him and out of the cave.

He was left dumbstruck, staring after me, before he composed himself and followed. It didn't take him long to catch up and i nearly walked into him as he stood in front of me to block my path. I growled with impatience, but he ignored me.

"How did you do that? I've never even heard of a wolf strong enough to disobey an Alpha Command!" He seemed in awe, he looked at me differently that he had been before.

"And here you were, thinking i was just another easy to control, weak she-wolf. Told ya it wasn't gonna be easy to get me to stay." I said, feeling rather smug.

He sighed, probably in defeat. "Fine, i cant control you. In fact, i doubt anyone can, but please, stay with is for a bit. We'll feed you, give you a place to sleep and you can stay as long as you like. Plus, Gracie has taken quite a shine to you." He cracked a smile. "So, what do you say?"

I looked at the gathering rain clouds that i hadn't noticed till now and suddenly, staying with Damien seemed very tempting. I wasn't about to let it show though. Im far too stubborn.

"Fine. I'll stay for a bit." I grumbled, bit my heart fluttered at the smile Damien sent my way.

"Great, now come on, before it starts to rain."

I nodded and we both made the cave just in time, before the heavens opened.

Sitting round the fire, with the lashing down rain hammering of the rocks outside so loud we had to shout to speak to each other, and eating the best cooked rabbit i had ever tasted, i looked at Damien.

He caught my eye and smiled. It made my heart melt. There was no doubt i felt some sort of a connection to him.

A/N: So there you go! Chapter 10! I know its short but a lot is gonna go down in 11, so this chapter was kind of a filler. Not gonna give too much away, but next chapter is gonna be Blake's POV and Damien's POV on the same situation. Should be interesting...

Also i am still looking for people to make me a cover so if anyone fancies making one, send them to me or message me for an email address to send me them.

Also, a big thanks to @jessico650 for this amazing cover, i looovvvee it

Until next chapter though,
Bye guys


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