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Grief Is A Powerful Thing

My mind could not seem to register what my eyes were seeing, and my legs started to move on their own. First to a walk, then to a jog, and finally, to desperate run. This could not be happening.

As i got closer, the scene just seemed to get worse and worse.

Damien had shifted to his human form and was lying on his back in a large, and still growing, pool of blood. There was a massive gash running diagonally across his chest, from left to right, and another slightly smaller gash that cut vertically across his stomach. No matter what the pack doctors seemed to be doing, it would not start to heal, or stop bleeding. It was too deep.

One pack doctor, a tall, middle aged man with an odd greying beard stepped away and addressed the crowd who were anxiously waiting for news of their Alpha.

"Please, everyone go back to the pack house. We are doing everything we can, but having a big crowd around us is not helping. Go and find the Beta or Gamma, they will sort you all out."

The pack seemed reluctant, but left anyway. I, however, did not go with them. I willed my feet to carry me forwards until i was standing right next to his body. Damien looked dead. He was pale from blood loss and his eyes were closed. It was only when i spotted his chest very faintly rising and falling that i realised he was alive. Barley alive, but still alive.

"Miss, why don't you leave with the rest of the pack? I know-"

I ignored the doctor and crouched next to Damien's head. I stroked his forehead, pushing his fringe away from his face, which was wet with a cold sweat. I felt so many emotions, emotions that i just could not handle, not right now. I didn't know what to do, without Damien i had no place in this pack. I would have to leave. I went to get up, but then stopped my self. I whispered a goodbye, and leaned down and did the thing i had failed to do in his office. I kissed him back.

It was quick, lasted no longer than a few seconds, but something inside if me snapped and a new spark was formed.


It was Damien that had spoke, his voice weak and strained, but it was still his voice.

"Mate." I whispered. It was barely audible, but i know the doctors, and Damien, had heard it.

"Unbelievable." It was the tall middle aged doctor who spoke, "Second chance mates. Its almost unheard of."

"Wait! Stay with him, you being here is helping him to heal!" It was another doctor who spoke this time, a young man, no older than 20, but i could see he was right, Damien was slowly starting to heal.

Key word: was.

Just moments after the young doctor said that, Damien began to cough and splutter. It was so violent it was jerking his body off the ground. Yes, his gashes were healing, but they were not healing correctly. His lungs were being crushed by the skin and muscle healing wrong. He started to cough up blood. It started to trickle from his nose, and i realised his lungs were literally drowning in his own blood.

"Do something!"

The doctors were a blur around him, shouting to each other for this or that. None of it seemed to be helping. After a while i could see the coughing and jerking were getting weaker, and i stupidly thought this was a good thing, until he stilled.

Still, the doctors rushed around him. Still, the doctors shouted at each other.
Still, Damien did not move.

They never stopped working on him, but i did hear one admit quietly to the other, "I think he's dead. Who wants to tell her, you or me?"

That was all i needed to hear. In an instant i was up and running. I had to clue where i was running to, just as ling as it was away. I shifted into my black wolf and ran faster than i thought possible. We did not speak to each other. We dis not need to. We both felt the same emotions. Anger and the sorrow of loss merging together to fuel or hate for Blake.

Just you wait, Blake Scarhill. We're coming to kill you for this. We will kill you for killing Damien.

Damien's POV:


What the hell is that annoying noise? Was my first thought.

My next thought was where the hell i was. Peeling my eyes open, i blinked a few times before staring around the room. It was a hospital room, no doubt about it. That was when the battle, and Alice came flooding back to me.

"Oh my God, Alpha! You're awake! I must get the doctors!"

It was a young nurse that had nearly deafened me with her exited-ness, however i did not mind. I just needed to see Alice. My mate.

"Ah, Alpha, how nice to see you awake. You-"

"Forget the pleasantries. Where is Alice?"

"Ah, yes, you're mate."

"Bring her to me."

"Now that's a problem."

"What's a problem?" I demanded. I was weak, but my authority still had the doctor shrinking back slightly.

"Well, you see Alpha, when we were treating you on the battle field, your heart stopped beating for 3 whole minutes. She may have overheard that we thought you were dead. She ran off, we didn't go after her as we thought she would like some time alone. We were sure she would come back but..." He trailed off.

"But what?" I did not like the sound of this.

"Nobody's seen her for three days."

I flopped my head back into my pillow and dismissed the doctors.

Alice...Where are you?

A/N: Haha! Bet you weren't expecting that! So...Damien's alive, but Alice thinks he's dead...And is off to kill Blake. And they are second chance mates! I had a lot of motivation to write this chapter, especially since this book has had over 18 thousand reads! Thank you guys so much! I never though my book would get this popular! Anyway, the next chapter should be written soon so
Until then,

Bye guys


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