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Time's Up

We were almost invisible, dark shapes gliding through the still dark forest. Dawn had broken just a few hours ago, the first rays of sunlight pushing back the shadows of the night and bathing the land in a dim golden glow.

I looked about to the wolves around me, and felt a pang of guilt as i wondered how many would not be making this run back. They were doing this for me, so i could rid myself of Blake, avenge my pack, and Damien. But they all had their own reasons for wanting to fight, I supposed. Cole and Sam wanted Blake's territory. A woman i met last night called Alissa wanted to avenge her mate, too. Another wolf was fighting because Blake killed his daughter, his last living family member.

Hearing their stories only strengthened my resolve to kill him.

And i will. I will kill him. Even if it is the last thing i do.


It was Cole mind-linking me. I briefly wondered how he even could mind-link me, but soon realised that i didn't actually care.

Hey, Cole.

Just thought i'd let you know, we're going to rest soon and hunt, we've been running for a while.

Really? How long have we been running?

About 5 and a half hours.

Has it really been that long?!

Yup. It's nearly noon.

Looking to the sky, i noticed he was right. I was too busy thinking to even notice the time passing.

Huh. Well that's odd. My i'm not really tired.

Just as i said that, the tiredness actually set in. My paws suddenly ached painfully, my muscles screamed with every bound i took and my stomach growled in protest of being neglected.

Really? You're not tired?

Actually... I think resting is a good idea.

Cole just laughed before cutting off the mind link.

We stopped off under the shade of a large redwood tree and filled ourselves on rabbit until we could eat no more. We lay for a bit and relaxed and let the hottest part of the day pass.

The longer we were in the same place, the more restless i, and some other rouges became. I stood up and bristled my black fur, stretching my muscles and glancing at Cole and Sam. Sam caught my eye and stood up. It was time to move again.

My wolf was on edge. Her senses were heightened, her muscles tense, alert. I was the same. The closer we got, the more jittery we became. But we were not backing down.

Hours must have passed and we kept running. Never stopping. We will get there by evening. This evening.

As it turned out, we didn't even have to go all the way to his territory.

Darkness was closing in and the forest was once again turning to shadows. My eyes were drooping, fatigue setting in, when we suddenly broke into a large clearing. In fact, it wasn't a clearing. It was a field. A massive field, about the size of four football pitches.

I strained my eyes to get a look at our surroundings. It felt odd being out in the open after so long in the forest. I felt exposed.

The moon was slowly rising, bathing the field in a silvery light, making the dew on the grass shimmer. It was a beautiful sight. I felt my muscles relax as i took it in.

And then my heart stopped.

There were trees on the other side if the field. Trees just as dense at the ones we had just emerged from. And there, as the moon gave us enough light see all of the field, was a wolf.

Two wolves, three wolves, four, five, ten, thirty. They just kept emerging from the trees. I felt the rouges gather closer together, some crouching, ready to pounce, and Sam and Cole were on either side of me, their eyes alert, ready for any threats.

And then, pushing his way through his wolves, his bare, muscular chest looking pale in the silver lighting, was-


I spat the name with such venom, such hatred, as if it were poisonous.

His eyes homed in on me, like a hawk, but i did not flinch. He snarled and crouched, and i copied his movements. It was time for our long-awaited fight.
The Battle Of The Night.

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