Chapter 1

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Shit shit shit!

Korra isn't sure how she ended up in this situation, but somehow she's found herself backed against a wall with a very pretty girl leaning towards her. Asami has one hand on the wall next to Korra's head, and the other one is tucking a strand of hair behind Korra's ear. Green eyes are staring longingly at her lips and–holy shit Asami has nice lips. And nice eyes. And hair. And skin. And a fucking beautiful laugh, and a wonderful personality, and an adorable "I'm-going-to-devour-you" smirk with a matching glint in her eyes that she's currently training on the girl against the wall. Korra gulps. Never in a million years did she think this would happen to her, yet here they are. Korra is cornered, and the headstrong softball player she usually is has disappeared entirely. In its place is a cowering idiot, shrinking beneath those intense emeralds Asami calls eyes. She's powerless.

"Korra?" Asami finally speaks.

"Y-yeah?" Korra stutters, clearing her throat in a barely successful attempt to get the words out.

"If it's okay with you, I really want to kiss you right now."

Korra can't make herself speak, so she just nods. Asami leans in. There's another nice thing about her: her breath. It smells like spearmint, which somehow isn't surprising at all. Korra's gaze darts between intense green eyes and dark red lips, and the next thing she knows her eyes are closed and their lips are moving together perfectly and HOLY FUCKING SHIT it's the best feeling in the world. An electric current is shooting through her body, lighting every nerve on fire. She's never been kissed like this before.

And now, suddenly, she's glad she dated Mako.

Really, all of this started when Mako dropped her off at her fifth hour class last week. He'd been acting normal until he caught sight of someone in the classroom. His eyes widened, and he immediately pulled his arm from her waist. Korra didn't care. Se didn't have romantic feelings for him. Honestly, he was just a beard. So Korra shrugged it off when all he did was say "bye" and leave her standing in the doorway instead of kissing her cheek like he usually did. She wondered briefly what was up with him, but all thoughts of Mako disappeared when she saw who was sitting in the usually-empty desk next to hers.

Asami Sato. Her actual crush. Since when was she in this class?

Korra gulped as she took her seat. She's pretty sure her current heart rate isn't healthy but fuck she can't help it. She's sitting next to a stunning, kind, witty genius who's a good ten miles out of her league at least. It's really a miracle she hasn't fallen over dead yet.

"Hi," Asami said. Oh no. The pretty girl was talking to her. She can't talk now, she'll embarrass herself!

"H-hi..." Korra mumbled, trying not to come off rude. Asami giggled, and Korra is incredibly curious as to what exactly she's giggling at. She considered asking, but Mr. Varrick chose that moment to begin class, which she took as a sign that she really shouldn't.

"Alright class, today we're gonna study the wonders of Pythagorean theorem!" He began. Korra picked up her pencil and wrote down everything he was saying. She ordinarily tuned out around the words "alright class", but today she needed a distraction. Anything to keep her attention off of Asami and therefore protect her from embarrassment. This method didn't work too well, though. Every other word, she found her eyes drifting over to the other girl, who appeared rather bored as she jotted down the notes. She seemed to actually be ahead of their teacher. Every once in awhile, her pencil would stray to the margins, where she would work on a complex sketch of some sort of technology that Korra didn't recognize until Mr. Varrick's instruction caught up with her. Korra found herself once again in awe of the girl. She knew Asami was smart, but she didn't know how smart. Now she was wondering why, if the girl is as intelligent as it would appear she is, she's in Geometry.

"Can I help you?" She whispered. Korra continued to stare for a moment before it finally clicked that she's been addressed. A blush formed on her cheeks and she immediately turned her gaze to the board, where her teacher was explaining the converse of some theorem or another.

"Sorry," she mumbled, figuring it'd be rude to just turn away with no other form of acknowledgement. From the corner of her eye, she saw Asami smirk playfully.

"No problem. I know when people are as pretty as me, it's hard not to stare."

It took a minute for Korra to realize she was joking. When the realization hit, she couldn't help the tiny giggle that escapes her lips. She glanced at Asami, who was smiling at her.

"Alright then! Everyone got that?" Mr. Varrick asked from the front of the room, clapping his hands together loudly. Korra's gaze once again snapped to the board. She hadn't heard any of what he'd said for the past five minutes, but a quick look at the displayed problems filled her in. Geometry was pretty easy for her.

Asami didn't say anything for the rest of the class period. She did, however, glance sideways at Korra several times. Korra, on the other hand, stared rather blatantly and rather accidentally. She would look over and forget to look away, then catch herself and force her attention to her notes. Not five seconds later, though, she would catch herself staring again, and the cycle repeated itself.

The bell rang. Korra gathered her things and left, not making any attempt to talk to her new acquaintance for fear of saying something stupid. Mako wasn't waiting by the door as he usually did, but Korra didn't fret too much over it. She just continued to her next class, which she shared with her two best friends: Bolin and Opal. As soon as she entered the room, though, she was pulled aside by her two friends, serious looks on their faces.

"What's up with you two?" Korra asks, noting the way that Bolin and Opal exchanged nervous glances. They seemed to have a battle with their eyes, a battle that Bolin lost. He sighed heavily and his hand shot to the back of his neck, rubbing it nervously–it's a habit of his.

"Well, there's really no easy way to tell you this. I hate to be the one to tell you, but Opal and I figured you should know."

Their expressions were somber. Korra grew nervous. Something serious must have happened, something bad. She a sense of dread crept up her throat.

"What is it?" She asked, anxiety obvious in her tone. Bolin took a deep breath. Opal is giving her a sympathetic look as he speaks. His tone was earnest, and she definitely isn't used to the stare he fixed on her. But all of the questions had completely vanished from her mind when his words registered.

"Mako is cheating on you."

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