Chapter 4

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Korra and Asami sat on Korra's couch, laughing their asses off as they once again replayed the video of Mako jumping ten feet in the air upon finding a skull in his locker.

The pair of them had made sure they were on the opposite side of the school when it happened, because if they were at the scene at the time he doubtless would have said something to them. This way, his silence about their involvement was much more likely. And besides, their favorite frenemy was more than willing to record the revenge she'd helped orchestrate, and even more willing to show it to them personally.

Speaking of whom, Kuvira reemerged from the bathroom at that very moment. She raised an unimpressed eyebrow at the two of them, her face as stoic as always.

"Are you two still laughing about that video?" She asked. The only response they gave her was Asami burying her face in Korra's shoulder as she chortled. Kuvira smirked at the shade of red the athlete turned.

"Okay, well, I think I'm going to leave now. Behave yourselves, use protection, etc." she said as she made her way towards the door. Korra turned an even deeper shade of red. Asami rolled her eyes but smiled, laughter still not having worn off.

"Bye, Kuvira." She called from the couch. Kuvira gave them a small wave before closing the door behind her, leaving Korra alone with her secret crush once more.

She took this time to observe the girl who could turn a person like Korra, usually so confident and sure of herself, into a completely disorganized mess. Her hair was immaculate as always, pinned back on one side and hanging loose down the other. She wasn't wearing as much makeup as usual today, just a dusting of powder and some eyeliner. And, of course, the same deep red that always adorned her lips. Korra loved her lips. They were full, but not too much so. Just right. Just like the rest of her.

"Korra?" Asami said, yanking her from her reverie. Korra blinked and, with great embarrassment, realized she's been staring at her friend's lips.

"Oh! Um, sorry, you had something there, something really small. But it's gone" she stuttered, trying to cover herself. Asami smirked. She definitely knew what really happened, but she didn't mention it, which was something Korra was grateful for.

"Alright then. So now what do we do?" She asked, leaning back against the couch as if she owned it. She carried that air often: the air of self-importance, like she owned the world and she knew it. Korra figured it came from being a rich heiress. Asami wasn't a snob, though, and she was actually very aware of the fact that she did not own everything. So Korra figured it was okay if her mannerisms sometimes said otherwise.

"I don't know. What do you want to do?" Korra answered. She figured 'make out on the couch' wasn't an option, so Asami would have to choose. Korra couldn't think of anything else she wanted to do in that moment.

"Well, if you want we could go to my house and drive go-karts around?" Asami offered. Korra's eyes widened. Just when she thought Asami couldn't get any more perfect, go-karts entered the equation.

"That sounds like a brilliant idea, let go now!" She said, and darted for the door without another word. She could hear Asami chuckling behind her as they swiftly made their way to Asami's car.

The drive was spent with music blaring. Korra discovered that Asami had the most diverse music taste she'd ever seen, as her music library switched from Fifth Harmony to Iron Maiden to the original cast's recording of Phantom of the Opera. She was adorable as she switched from head banging to dramatically singing along with every single character in that musical. It was a trait that went on her list of "Reasons to Love Asami". Korra worried for a moment that they might crash, but Asami was a wonderful driver. Even when she was distracted, she was paying attention. It was kind of inhuman, actually. Not that Korra was complaining. She could never complain about Asami.

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