Chapter 5

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The sound of her phone ringing brought Korra drowsily and reluctantly from her slumber. Groaning, she scrambled to answer it.

"What?" She growled rudely. Asami chuckled on the other end.

"Well hello to you, too." She deadpanned. Korra rolled her eyes.

"You woke me up." She explained.

"It's noon. You should be up by now, lazy ass."

Korra glanced at her alarm clock. Sure enough, the time displayed was 12:00.

"What's your point?" She asked. Asami chuckled again before answering.

"My point is you should be awake by this hour. You're wasting the day sleeping in so late."

"Did you call just to criticize my sleep habits?" Korra asked grumpily. She was finally beginning to wake up, and the question of why Asami had called was now pressing in her mind.

"No, I called because there's a party tonight at Wu's house and I wanted to ask if you would go with me." Asami said. That got her attention. Korra sat bolt upright. Wu was a rich kid who threw crazy fun parties. When they went down, they were basically the biggest event of the weekend.

"Dude, sounds awesome! What time?" Korra asked, her excitement evident. She heard Asami chuckle on the other end.

"Oh now you're excited, huh? I see how it is. You only want me around when I have something to offer." She jested. Korra rolled her eyes.

"Oh no, you've uncovered my secret." She deadpanned, earning her a giggle from Asami. "Seriously though, time?"

"Starts at seven. I'll pick you up at 6:30."

"Alright, see you then."

"Kk, bye Sleeping Beauty."

The phone call ended. Korra sat in silence for a moment, taking in the entire conversation and letting her stomach form in the uncomfortable twist it liked to knot itself in around Asami. A groan then escaped her and she threw herself backwards onto her bed, frustrated and slightly irritated. She hates emotions. She hates that she doesn't really know how to deal with emotions. Most of all she hates Asami for making her feel emotions. (She quickly takes that last part back. She could never hate Asami. Asami is an ethereal being too pure for this world.)

Korra spent the day doing a whole lot of nothing until Asami came to pick her up. Korra wasn't prepared for the sight she was greeted with.

"Holy shit!" She said upon opening the door, before she could stop herself. Asami was wearing a back crop top with sleeves that met her elbows and a red plaid mini skirt. Around her neck was a choker and her feet sported heeled black boots. The sight gave Korra heart palpitations.

Asami giggled. "I take it you like what you see." She said, a playfully smug expression on her face. Korra shook herself. She glanced down at her own outfit. Suddenly her ripped jeans and converse seemed shabby.

"Oh don't even second-guess yourself, you look great. Now let's go!" Asami chided her before she could even say anything. She trapped Korra by the wrist and pulled her to the car, barely even giving her time to close the door.

"So I heard a rumor at school that I'm hoping to have confirmed or denied tonight." Asami says once they're on their way, drawing Kiera's attention from the window (she's trying not to stare at the driver).

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