Chapter 3

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"Hey bitch," Asami called as she approached Kuvira–the self-proclaimed smartest girl in school, who also happened to be a cocky arrogant asshole–in the library the next day. Korra trudged hesitantly behind her, a bit nervous about whatever this plan of Asami's was. Kuvira scowled up at them.

"What do you want, Sato?" She asked, obviously not happy with the distraction. Korra took a glance at the notes scattered about the table. She couldn't make anything of any of it. Her gaze shifted to the other two girls, both her intellectual superiors. She was kind of outmatched here, so she was perfectly content to let Asami do all of the talking and planning.

"We need your help. Mako fucked us over and we wanna get back at him." Asami stated, slamming her hand down on the table in front of her for emphasis. Kuvira smirked.

"Really? What did he do?" She asked. A snarl formed on Asami's features and for a second, Korra was actually scared.

"He cheated on us with each other." the green-eyed girl grumbled, the mere mention of the action making her seethe.

Asami was looking down at Kuvira expectantly. Kuvira wasn't looking at her, though. Her eyes were trained on the darker girl standing behind her, eyebrows knit, confusion evident on her face.

"Wait, aren't you a lesbian?" She asked. Korra's eyes widened and her mouth hung open. Asami glanced back at her and then back to Kuvira.

"Um, no? She dated Mako? Obviously not." She answered for Korra, for which the younger girl was grateful. Kuvira wouldn't let it go, though.

"No no no, she definitely likes girls. I can tell."

Asami was growing very impatient. "So? Maybe she's bi or pan or something. The point is, he's a lying bastard who needs to be taught a lesson." she asserted. Kuvira still wasn't listening, though.

"Why were you even dating Mako, you don't even like boys! I have never seen you show even the slightest interest in a guy in all of the time I've known you." She half-yelled, eyes still trained on Korra, who was frantically trying to shush her. She glanced around the room, thankful that no one else seemed to be in the library at that moment.

"I don't even talk about girls! Why does everyone think I like girls?!" She whisper-yelled. Kuvira smirked as she glanced meaningfully between Asami and Korra.

"Do you really want me to answer that?"

Korra gulped. Was she really that obvious? Beside her, Asami groaned. She was obviously tiring of this conversation. Korra could tell she was anxious to start working on whatever this plan of hers was, and her would-be cohorts were doing nothing but delaying her.

"For the love of all things holy, yes or no?!" She asked, finally losing her last shred of patience. Kuvira chuckled lightly in amusement.

"Of course, Sato. Anything to screw with a fuckboy. What do you need?" She asked. Asami obviously wasn't a fan of the smug grin on the other girl's face, but she grudgingly took the seat in front of her and leaned forward on the table as Kuvira cleared away her notes. Korra took the seat next to her, still a bit worried about whatever this plan was.

"Okay, here's what we need to do..."


"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Korra asked, incredibly nervous about what they were doing. She and Asami were sneaking into school after classes ended to plant a little surprise in Mako's locker. Kuvira, meanwhile, was distracting the principal from the cameras by asking a million questions and in general talking his ear off. The plan wasn't anywhere near as sophisticated as she thought it was gonna be, but it was effective enough. They were going to place the skull from Ms. Moon's biology classroom skeleton in his locker with a note attached reading "you're dead to us –Korra & Asami."  Korra worried that he would go to a teacher, but Asami and Kuvira reasoned that Mako would probably feel guilty enough about cheating on them, and a little bit scared of them at the same time. He wouldn't dare. She had to admit they had a point there.

"Of course I'm sure, Korra. He's gonna be groveling at our feet by the time we're done here."

Korra shrugged. She'd already decided to let Asami take the lead here. As they approached Mako's locker, she withdrew the skull from her bag and handed it to Asami once she had the lock undone. Asami arranged the skull and the note on the top shelf, but just as they were about to close the door they heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Panicking, Asami grabbed Korra and pulled her inside Mako's nearly-empty locker, leaving the door just barely open behind them. It was an incredibly tight fit, but by some miracle they managed it. Thank God for their school's spacious lockers.

Korra's heartbeat quickened–both at the feeling of Asami's body flushed against hers as closely as two bodies can be and the fear of being caught. A knot twisted in her stomach and her throat was suddenly very dry. She hoped Asami didn't feel the goosebumps that were rising on her arms from the contact. Is this what a heart attack felt like? She wasn't sure. In an effort to calm herself, she took deep breaths through her mouth. Inhale. Exhale.

She didn't notice how heavily she was breathing until Asami clapped her hand over her mouth and whispered the words "keep it down" in her ear. Her breath tickled Korra's ear and sent a shiver down her spine.

They waited in silence as the footsteps passed them by. Korra peered through the vents and caught a glimpse of black dress shoes passing them by. After a few minutes, Asami pushed the door open ever so slightly and peered in both directions. Satisfied that the coast was clear, she climbed out of the locker and extended her hand to Korra to help her out as well.

"That was close." Korra mumbled. Asami nodded in agreement.

"Kind of exciting though." She commented, a smile on her face that set Korra's heart aflame. Her eyes were so captivating in that moment, the younger girl couldn't make herself look away. They stood in silence, just staring at each other for awhile before Korra finally found the strength to break her gaze.

"We should go get Kuvira and get out of here." she said, blushing and praying that Asami hadn't caught on to the affections hidden in her eyes. Asami smirked. She had definitely caught on.

"Let's go then."

The two walked in silence to Principal Raiko's office. Once there, Asami knocked politely three times before letting herself in.

"Kuvira, we've been waiting in the parking lot for thirty minutes! Where have you been?" She asked, perfectly playing the irritated friend role. Korra decided once again to hang back, lest she fuck up the operation. Kuvira's fake shock and embarrassment was Oscar-worthy.

"Oh my God, I totally lost track of time! Sorry, guys!" She apologized. Asami rolled her eyes.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, let's just go. We have a project to work on, remember?"

Kuvira nodded profusely, apologizing and saying goodbye to Raiko a million times in the process. Asami and Korra led her out the door and towards the parking lot. Once they were out of earshot, they began the rundown of the operation as they walked to Asami's car.

"We almost got caught, but Asami dragged me into the locker and barely left it open behind us."

"Your heart was beating really fast." Asami commented, making Korra's face flush. Kuvira smirked.

"Well, Raiko was as boring as ever. It was exhausting, sitting in there pretending to care while he droned on about honors programs and AP classes as if I don't already know how all of those work."

"I bet his confusing sense of humor didn't help." Asami commented. Kuvira grinned.

"It definitely did not."

The girls finally made it to the car. They stood around awkwardly for a minute before Korra spoke up.

"So...what now?" She asked. Kuvira shrugged. Asami pursed her lips and looked up in thought before answering.


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