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Micah's POV-

I have been a nervous wreck for the past few days, and also avoiding going outside. I'm scared. My wolf is mad at me, too. Why you ask?

Well, I saw my mate, but they did not see me. So I know who my mate is, but I am scare to go to them, fearing rejection. I know I might not have to worry about anything, but there is always that fear that they won't except me.

Max hasn't been okay at all lately and I've been staying around to help her out with the others so I had an excuse to stay inside and avoid other people, but now that Max is getting better and doesn't really need our constant hovering anymore, I've been having a hard time.

Hannah and Geena are starting to worry and question to why I won't go out with them to have fun. Max is starting to see through my lies, which is starting to scare me even more. The guys know, and are questioning to, but thankfully are giving me my space, for the most part.

I walk into the kitchen where my sister and best friends are having a deep discussion about something. When they noticed me, they immediately stop talking and look at my questioningly. I just look at them with a confused look, even though they were obviously talking about me.

Geena and Hannah get up and leave the kitchen without a word, only giving Max a pointed look. Max stays seated at the kitchen table with a mug in her hands, which she is staring at.

"I know you are hiding something from us," Max states after a minute, making me jump. She leans back in her chair and looks up at me.

"W-what are you talking about?" I curse at myself for stuttering, knowing that my chances are getting out of this conversation are next to none.

"Come have a seat and talk to me," she smiles and she gestures to the chair in front of her.

I sigh, now knowing there is no way I can avoid this. I walk over and around the table and sit across from her. I stare at my folded hands, that rest in my lap as I waited for Max to start talking again.

"Whose you mate?" Max fires out staring deeply at me.

"W-w-what? H-how did you know?" I speak quickly, wondering how she knew.

"I didn't, but now I do. You've been acting strange lately and apparently I'm the one who is seeing through your lies and the fear in you eyes when we ask you to go out with us. So, who is your mate?" Max explained. She gave me an encouraging smile as she continued to stare at me.

I sit there, my mouth slight ajar. I was dumbfounded. Max is a lot more observant then I originally thought, but then again, she has been through a lot, and basically taught herself all of the tricks.

"I- um..." I don't even know where to start.

Wait, did Max tell any of the others about her guess about me? I really hope not...

"I didn't tell anyone, even though I wanted to, I didn't," Max says quietly, but the seriousness in her voice was still there.

"I'malesbian," I rush out, making it hard for me to even understand what I said, but Max obviously got it.

"Micah... Why didn't you tell us?" she looked slightly hurt.

"I didn't want you guys to judge me, or treat me differently. Hannah doesn't even know. Keeping it from her was the hardest thing ever," I whispered, looking back at the table, avoiding Max's strong gaze.

"Why would you think we would do that? Especially your sister. The worst we would've done was tease you a bit, but we wouldn't treat you differently." Max's voice sounded hurt, which made me feel even worse.

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