Chapter I - Part V - Bang Bang Out.

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1940 Hours

“Those were some fireworks, Rodent.” Gaz said on the team comms.

“Roger. And pretty close, too.” Rodent said.

“One man with RP against two dozen heavily armed militants. Nice.”

“And Rockets-“ Velcro joined the chat. The entire squad could hear every word the other members said on this line, and it was common for operatives to cross the words of other members.

“Thanks to bloody Pigeon.” Rodent replied. He paused. “You still have an eye on us, G?” Rodent referred to Gaz.

“Roger. I’ll tell you when I’ve lost visual.”

Gaz could see the three team members now facing other way, advancing through the alleyways towards the target building. He browsed up and further with his scope, and he saw signs of movement to the north. Armed militants, seen as yellow and red through his thermal scope, appeared at the end of an alleyway, running. Five or six of them were prowling the alleyways trying to find a way to flank the outnumbered rangers. They have probably realized that a helicopter had destroyed their friends that were suppressing the Rangers, and Gaz suspected they would use the cold-blooded and old-style bayonet charge and last-resort suicide bomb if they saw any enemies. But the ones who they were facing weren’t just enemies- They were operatives from Task Force 105. An elite unit made out of a combination of Delta Force, SAS, SEALs, and other special operatives in the Coalition forces; and those militants were facing among the best in that group.

Gaz went on to warn Rodent. “Rodent, we’ve got five or six Taliban headed your way. Should I take shots?”

“Negative. They’re mine.” Rodent’s cool voice was accompanied by the usual static that made radios sound very elite. Though, in reality it did not sound elite at all. Most of the time the voices and words were unclear, and sometimes operatives required to repeat their words frequently in order to be heard clearly.

Gaz grinned. “Roger that. But I’ll keep an eye on you, mate.”

Rodent chuckled. “Roger.”



1941 Hours

“Rodent they’re closing on you.” Gaz said, so Rodent, crafty as usual, retreated back several paces onto an intersection and hid behind cover. The plan was when the six enemies appeared, Rodent would release some flash-bangs to stun the men and take them out with silenced weapons. Their rifles had been fitted with silencers so any fire that they made would not attract unnecessary attention from the other Taliban forces near the area, because if they did, the SEALs under Chief Jarvis would be alone by the building’s flank. And if they did not enter quickly, they would be surrounded.

Rodent, Velcro, and Chuc hid at the same place they did before, the alleyway near the street though this time they were on the other end, the inside end. Footsteps were absolutely muffled by the sound of intense gunfire in the background, and could hardly be heard unless they were close enough. The rangers Alpha Six had helped could now be seen advancing along the sidewalks onto the building, and Rodent, it seemed to him, was tasked to defend their flank.

“You hear something?” Velcro suddenly asked Rodent, all of a sudden.

“No.” Rodent replied. But he kept wondering what Velcro heard. “Anything from up there, Gaz?”

“Enemy’s heading your way. Fifty meters away.”

“Roger that.” He looked to Velcro and gestured with his hands for him to throw a flash-bang grenade. Velcro nodded and he took another grenade, black-coloured and more boxy than usual, from his grenade sockets. It was called the flashbang- used to deafen and blind enemies in close quarter combat. Normal units aren’t issued this kind of grenade since it was mostly used for entering rooms and engaging enemies at very close quarters, and is mostly issued to close-quarters involving units such as Special Forces, SAS, Delta, and special police such as SWAT, and would be used in scenarios such as Hostage Rescue or Room Clearance. The flashbang would give a very high advantage to its users, for it gave 10 seconds time for them to kill the surprised, blinded, and deafened, enemy. Velcro and Rodent had breached in a room and used flash-bangs earlier today, and they would certainly do that again tonight. So as the footsteps and shouts in Pashto came closer, Velcro pulled the pin, went over to Rodent’s outer side, and threw the grenade.

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