Chapter I, Part VI - Go, Go!

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Later that evening.

With not much resistance facing close-by US Soldiers, Rodent and his team went straight to the building’s side where Chief Jarvis and his SEALs were taking cover by a trash dump, around twenty feet away from the wall. Alpha Six went out of an alleyway not far from the dump and, thinking of a possible guard’s post on top of the building, Rodent told his men to stop and stay in the shadows of the alley. Rodent could see through his NVGs the five SEALs neatly stacking up on two different dumps. Jarvis was being quiet and the others seem to be waiting their arses off for the late arrival of Alpha Six.

So he pressed the talk button. “Foxtrot Four-Two, this is Alpha Six. Friendlies at the alleyway on your seven o’clock. You’ve got visual?”

Jarvis lifted his head and looked at Rodent’s direction. Rodent waved his arm up and Jarvis gave a thumb up. “I see you, Six. How about we stack up at the wall?” Jarvis replied.

“You sure we don’t have any eyes on us?”

“Negative. We took care of those. I’m moving out, cover me.”

Jarvis gestured to his men to stand up and stack up at the wall. Rodent, Velcro, and Chuc meanwhile pointed their guns up to watch for any sudden appearances of Taliban that could definitely jeopardize the mission. The 5 SEALs dashed and rushed towards the wall, silently, and finally had their backs against it. The complex had their lights removed a decade ago, and therefore the use of NVGs was very important and crucial to victory. It was an advantage over the less-sighted Taliban. Except if there was a flare.

A flare would blind the NVGs, which would take several moments to take off. In that little space of time, Taliban would unleash their furious volleys onto the American and British servicemen, and score a rare and disastrous victory. But that was the last thing that could happen, because there were more than thirty rangers on the front door, and the fourty Taliban had to make up to guard the front door. Except if they had more men.

“You’re clear, Rodent.” Chief said over the radio.

“Roger. Let’s move.” Rodent said, and this time, they moved from where they were hiding, with guns up to scan the surroundings. They reached the building’s wall with obvious ease.

Rodent sighed on the sight of Chief Jarvis. He was a robust man in his mid-30s that looked like an effective and efficient man who was undoubtedly a strong leader. A US Navy SEAL. His team had their weapons ready - silenced Carbines with multiple attachments attached on their picatinny rails – and their backs on the wall. The two on the back crouched and covered their rear by pointing their weapons onto the dumpster they came from. “Sorry for being late, mate. Heavy resistance.”

“Doesn’t matter. Besides, I had to piss.”

Rodent grinned “Bastard. May I have the honour?” the last sentence was for the wall.

“Of course.”

“Velcro.” He nicked his head and the engineer went forward to make a breach into the wall. The wall was made of the usual khaki brown sandstone most buildings in Afghanistan were built, and that wouldn’t be a problem for Velcro’s charges. Velcro, remembering where he put his charges in his pack, slid off a zipper on the side of his backpack, pulled out a block-like plastic explosive, stuck it onto the wall, and pressed some buttons. Velcro smartly zipped up and went to his previous position, which was behind Rodent. “Alright.” Rodent said.

“You ready?” He looked to Jarvis.

“No doubt.”

And the wall exploded.

And they poured in.


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