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Grace's P.O.V.


*a month later*

You know that place you call home? Where everything is so cozy and you have people that care about you there?

That's what we call this pack house. It is just so home-like.

But Aiden wants to move back to his house.

So we've bought a house right on the middle of werewolf territory.

Aiden stands in the kitchen of the small house at the moment, cooking some breakfast. Elly is in bed still. And me? I'm standing outside, letting my wolf prance around. Alice is so happy to be let out. The last time she was out was during the battle after.. well. You know.

Alice yips in glee, I chuckle.

Having fun? I ask her.

Dang straight. She says, yipping.

I smirk, tucking Alice back into the back of my mind, as I trot over to the tree that stands in the middle of in front of the house.

I shift, throwing on my clothes that I left there.

I stretch,"Man that felt good."

Aiden chuckles, making me jump back in surprise,"You scared me!" I exclaim, holding my hand to my heart to calm it.

Aiden wraps his hands around my waist before lifting me onto his shoulder,"I'm glad you had fun, but it's time to eat Sweetheart."

I groan, crossing my arms, letting him carry me inside of our new home.

Elegance is already sitting at the table, happily eating her bacon. That's become her favorite thing now, Aiden's bacon.

I glare at Aiden as he sets me down in my chair across from him and next to Elly,"You didn't have to do that. I have legs, you know?"

Aiden just smirks,"Hey! I thought I should let those pretty legs of yours rest."

I groan,"Yeah, okay," I say.

He sits in his chair with a smirk plastered on his face.

Elly throws one of her toys at him, hitting his shoulder.

I hold my hand over my mouth, sniffling a laugh.

Its his turn to glare at me.

I can't hold it in any more.

I burst into a fit of laughing, holding my stomach as tears form in my eyes.

He growls, but the door bell rings, thankfully saving me.

I rush to the door, slinging it open, to find Alana and her parents, along with my mum.

I chuckle,"What are you guys doing here?"

Alana pulls me into one of her famous bear hugs while my mum laughs,"Oh, sweetheart, we came by so we could see my favorite grand baby."

I smile, motioning for them to come in,"They are in the kitchen."

I close the door, following them.

I see Alana sitting next to Aiden. While our mum's are all about Elegance. Joey, on the other hand, is standing behind the counter, giving me the death glare.

Man if looks could kill, I'd be six feet under.

Aiden chuckles, reading my passing thought, "Bunny, he'll get over it eventually. Just give him time."

I nod at him, before sitting back down to engulf my food.

Alana laughs,"Dang, Grace, you really do like food. Aiden was right for once."

I set down my fork as I finish and wipe my face, before growling at Aiden,"So your calling me fat now," I say through our mind-link.

His eyes widen as he shakes his head quickly,"No! I would never!"

I can't help but chuckle, in return I get a blushing Aiden glaring at me,"Really. I thought you were going to kill me."

I smirk smugly,"Who said I wasn't going to?"

His eyes go wide, making my smirk grow.

I Alana comes in between us growling,"Y'all calm down."

I chuckle,"He'll get his punishment later."

Aiden wiggles his eyebrows,"So we're getting kinky now are we?"

I groan, facepalming.

Christina chuckles,"How about we go out to eat?"

I nod in agreement, needing a day out on the town.

We stand up, already dressed and ready too roll. Elly squeals and I pick her up.

The door of our home swings open.

There, Arlene stands with Silence by her side, Silence is holding her stomach from where Ashton has gotten her pregnant.

I chuckle, Silence is smiling her new grand smile,"We need a girl day out! Haven't had one of those yet have we?"

I chuckle. Aiden whimpers,"So your just going to leave me here?"

I sigh, as the rest of the girls walk up with their mates by their sides, they shove them inside.

Silence growls,"Stay here. We need a day to ourselves."

"Unless you want a pregnant girl on your butts."

I nod in agreement, chuckling at Silence's threat.

Aiden groans,"Fine, I'll watch Elegance," he says, taking the squirming child from my arms with a peck to my lips,"Have fun darling," he whispers.

I shiver, his words husky coming from his mouth. His green eyes stare into my blue orbs.

Silence gags.

Intelligence coughs,"GET A ROOM!" She screams.

Alana chuckles.

I roll my eyes as the heat creeps onto my face.

Oh terrific.

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