Chapter 13: Think

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"Ophelia! Stop!"

Slightly's pleas were growing weaker and weaker the farther I ran away from him. I was completely overtaken by this insatiable anger to deliver justice. To deliver a slow, and painful, justice.

Peter deserved to suffer for everything he's done. He has caused more trouble than he's worth. I don't need to go into detail again about all the dreadful things he has done to me -- which should most certainly not be overlooked, and instead added to the equation of my rage -- but now he has comitted a wrong towards Slightly.

Since Peter was too much of an airhead to remember to invite me on their little adventures, my siblings included while I'm on that note, he wrangled his team of wild little boys and left one behind.

Slightly. Poor, innocent, kind Slighty. This boy was the embodiment of goodness. He deserved nothing but the finest of lifestyles, and he was stuck on this awful island with this awful leader. How could Peter even call himself a leader when he forgot to make sure that all of his team was accounted for? Had he ever actually lead those boys into doing anything except cause trouble? It was a good thing they didn't live in London. They would have been thrown into prison ages ago for all the atrocities they have committed.

The worst of all being what they did to Slightly today. When it's a harm done to me it is painstaking and makes me feel like rubbish, but at least I can handle that in stride. Slightly is just a kid. He has no idea how to handle being abandoned, and quite honestly he shouldn't have to! I saw the look on his face this morning. The absolute shock of being left behind, the heartbreak at realizing that everyone you care about has gone without you. I have worn that look too many times, I continue to wear it, but mark my words. Peter Pan is going to pay with blood for making Slighlty feel that way.

Slightly's cries became a distant echo as I quickly outran him. I was searching for Peter though I hadn't the slightest idea where to find him. They could be anywhere on this island right now, so my chances of finding him were quite slim, but I looked anyway. I gripped the sword in my hand so tightly that my knuckles turned white. I had never in my life handled any kind of weapon before. I mean, when had I ever needed one?

To go to school?
To go for a walk?
To read in my bedroom?

My siblings and I had played pretend with swords more times than I could count, but it didn't remotely compare to the way this one felt in my hands right now. The sticks we used were wooden and flimsy. This sword was much different than that. It didn't bend under my tight hold, it didn't break in half as I used it to cut down branches in my path, and most importantly, it didn't look ridiculous.

I was sure I looked like a real fighter. This dazzling sword in my hand and an expression of absolute hatred on my face.

I travelled on for quite some time, no longer hearing even a squeak of Slightly's voice, and not tiring from the grueling trek. I began to rethink my plan on finding him. Maybe I should climb a tree and look for him flying? Maybe I should search the damp ground for footprints and follow those? Anything would be better than this mindless wandering.

I was just about to turn around and find a sturdy tree to climb when I heard the laughter.

It was high pitched and full of an unyielding type of affection. I didn't even have to guess to know whose it was. I could pick Wendy's flirtatious laugh apart from any other.

I smiled at my luck, knowing Peter had to be close by if she was here, and crept towards where I heard the laughter.

"Hmmm," She giggled, "I wonder where Peter could be?"

I ducked down behind a rather large fern and peeked out from behind the greenery. Wendy was pacing around a bird-of-paradise tree, her finger tapping on her chin. Her blue nightgown swung around her ankles as she pranced behind the tree. Once she made a few giddy circles around it, she stood in the front and leaned against it, crossing her arms over her chest.

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