6: Jarryd

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Jarryd Langley slapped the bug biting his neck. He wiped the crushed carcass down the leg of his pants. Every insect in this patch of woodland had already had a turn at his dirty sweat and were back for more.

"Three bloody days," he said through clenched teeth. He wanted to shout his frustration. It would be just his luck, if he did yell, he would frighten away the new dragon-touched. Then all his waiting would be for naught.

When Mother had given him his instructions, she said the interception should not take long. The lad was supposed to visit the cave every day, sometimes twice, to watch the dragons feed.

Jarryd understood the lure. Dragons dragged on the inexperienced minds of those with the calling.

On his arrival, he had searched the cave, finding that a network of narrow tunnels riddled the ridge. Most ended in empty chambers. In one, a small hole in the rock wall afforded the lad a splendid view of the Skerby dragonhold.

This interception was his brother's job, he thought for the hundredth time. 

Mother said Jarryd must carry it out. His brother's firedrake was too big to hide in the woods behind the tavern. 

Why the secrecy, anyway? He could not recall Dax being constrained during his testing of trainee dragonriders. Dax would not lurk outdoors for days on end.

Jarryd cut short a lengthy sigh. 

Dax must have known that this would take forever. Apparently, his own work was not important enough to be missed should he be stuck here the rest of his life. None of his family appreciated him.

A movement above the ridge snagged his attention. 

A firedrake, with red and gold scales flashing in the lowering sun, vanished behind the rocky outcrop towering over him.

He ought to check on his own dragon. 

Rufus grew crankier each day but what else could they do, except wait. He dared not approach the village, nor ask Rufus to mindscape. His instructions were clear.

The Skerby Watch must never know of his visit.

He listened to the sounds of the woods. Birds twittered, frogs croaked and, from further away, came the lowing of a cow. 

Jarryd eased out from his hiding, mindful where he walked as he edged past scrubby bushes. Moments later, he arrived at his camp. 

The clearing was barely big enough to conceal Rufus, despite the dragon being a small green. He would have picked a bigger clearing if he had known the waiting would take this long.

"Are you alright?" Jarryd kept his voice low.

Rufus pulled his head out from under a silver-tipped wing. "I must fly. My wings are stiff." Widening his emerald eyes, the dragon wore his most mournful look. "My mindpath is closing over."

Jarryd winced. "Shush." He stroked the silvery snout. "This new lad must turn up soon. It's nearly feeding time. Once we secure his promise, we can go home."

"I am getting hungry," the dragon declared. "I want to hunt."

Wishing he had not mentioned food, Jarryd examined his dragon's scales. Rufus's glossy green hide bore no evidence of hunger. Even so, Jarryd considered his obligation to his dragon's welfare.

"We will see," he said. A pleasure flight would be folly. They should not compromise their hideout.

After some more snout scratching, Jarryd cautiously returned to his vantage point near the cave, reckoning he had wasted three days of his life. 

Dragonhold Day was nearly done. The castle would have the lad. Forget it, he thought.

If the dragon-touched does not come soon, we will pack up and go home.


6 March 2017 - replaced with kindle version

21 May 2021: Final update, synchronising Wattpad, Book Funnel and Kindle versions.



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