86: Taniel: Doubts

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After my bath, I dried myself and searched the wardrobe for something to wear. None of my trousers had accompanied me from Skerby. I settled for a long skirt, a sleeved linen blouse, and soft slippers.

I pondered Dax's parting words: I'm proud to have you as the mother of our child. Did he really believe he fathered my son? I was already pregnant. It was impossible. The witch had simply forgotten to tell him of our deception. I would set him straight.

Taking the wet towel from my hair, I knelt in front of the fireplace. Head down, I ran my fingers through the damp curls.

While my head warmed, I revisited the stunning winged vision. I wondered how far the little scaly things went down his back. Blood whooshed in my ears as I wondered if they scattered across his chest and trickled down his front. What would they feel like? I shivered.

My desire disgusted me.

Did my commitment to Jarryd mean nothing?

Though Jarryd seemed to hold doubts about me, now, I did not want to lose my dragonrider. I knew he cared about his son and maybe that would be enough for him to forgive my willingness to take his brother's baby makers in return for a dragon. Surely, he appreciated the difference between my bargain and a bedding.

I forced away all thoughts of a winged wizard in my bed. Hoping to distract myself, I went into the bedroom to see what Dax had been doing at the window. When I parted the curtains, a thin beam of light hit my thigh. A hole, the thickness of my thumb, was bored through the bricks.

I put my eye to it. A tiny snatch of sunny sea, along with a whiff of salty air encouraged an eagerness for outside. I arranged the curtain folds so that they dampened the light spot. I moved a chair in front of it, ready for later. I remained clueless to how, exactly, the breach in the wall would help the firedrake aid my escape.

Had Jarryd returned while I bathed?

Determined not to act like a prisoner, I strode out through the sitting room, and into the passage. I made my way to the window overlooking the dragonhold.

Driscoll was not there.

Gone, too, was Paget's dragon.

Alarmed, I hunted among the greens. I found my little firedrake lying against rocks, on the beach, sleeping. I watched him, my head resting against the glass. Only the waves that battered the foundations and the sporadic calls of gulls broke the isolating silence.

Would I like to live here? I looked around at the solid walls and plush carpet. I could do worse for myself. I could visit Father and Aunt Rita whenever I wanted, I supposed. I imagined the astonished faces on everyone when I landed my dragon in Father's cow paddock in Skerby.

I shook my head.

Fact and fiction were mingling a little too much.

I peered at the steps spilling from the castle entrance. From there, it was a short walk to the gate. Would the guards allow me out to visit the dragons? What was the worst that could happen?

Olivia would think I tried to escape. They had a dungeon, somewhere, all castles did.

With a sigh, I turned away from the window and dawdled back to the white suite. I did not want to be locked away.

Aimless, I walked around the sitting room for a while, before deciding to indulge in a nap. I threw a small log on to the fire and re-positioned the screen. In the bedroom, I pulled the pale green quilt over my legs. After a moment, I found myself stroking my stomach and thinking, if I did not get away, it would be a long, long, nine months.

I smiled. My dragon was worth it.

A price could be put on my son.

My smile surely grew smug, then, as I daydreamed of my babe's making. With my quickening pulse, I realised that every moment of angst since meeting Jarryd had been worthwhile.

I snuggled into the pillow, content. Jarryd would not abandon me. He was mine. We would wed and become a family.

The best was yet to come.


4 April 2017 - replaced with revised scene

(2016) Thanks for reading. I am very grateful for you all staying the distance with my story. Many thanks to all who have voted and/or commented. You are amazing. I encourage my silent readers to say hello, just so I can appreciate you even more!



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