21: Taniel - Clan-ring

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I yawned, almost blundering into a tree as I sidestepped off the path. I reached the creek, and set about finding calm water to check my reflection. I wanted to make sure I was not oozing the smug satisfaction filling me.

I could tell none about my new betrothal.

Jarryd insisted on secrecy until his return and I promised to stay away from the dragons. For my protection, he had said, I must be wary of strangers, should one be a wizard. He dispelled my misconceptions about wizards. Most did not show their longevity. They rarely sported a straggling beard. Hardly any of them wore the official black leather robes.

My banishment from the common room was now to my advantage. I never cleaned the bedrooms until after the guests had left, so that was not a problem. The dining room was always crowded. Perhaps, if I was nicer to Erin, she would keep helping me and I would not be left upstairs, alone and vulnerable.

Two days, my dragonrider had said.

I should be able to keep myself safe for that long. Just thinking about being taken away, at any moment, robbed me of some exuberance. I jumped across the water at the narrowest part.

I fingered the silver ring Jarryd had given me with his pledge. I had nothing special to give him, but he seemed happy enough with a cutting of my hair. How I managed not to burst out giggling, I do not know. He acted as if my curls were not drab brown things, but spun gold. As I crossed the cow paddock, I slipped the ring off. I put it in my trouser pocket.

The cows gathered at the bails, scenting the air with milk while waiting for the milking man. The sun was clear of the horizon.

I worried the ring might fall from the pocket.

I returned it to my finger, feeling certain that losing it would ruin everything. I would keep it close, on a cord. I held up my hand, admiring the way that the little dragons circled my finger. Each scaled dragon had a tiny emerald eye.

Erin waited the other side of the back gate.

What now?

"Good morning Erin." I remembered my resolve to be nicer. "What are you doing here, so early?"

"I thought I would come help you with the beds."

Erin stepped back to let me pass. "You were unwell last night, remember? But you must be better now, since you're out taking the morning air." She wrinkled her perfect nose at a fresh cowpat.

I shut the gate and when I turned, I saw Erin looking at my ring. I brushed hair out of my eyes with the offending hand, trying to make my actions natural. I shoved my hand under my hair, scratching my neck.

"That's kind of you, Erin. A good sleep was all I needed. Thanks. I'll appreciate your help."

She gave me an unfathomable look.

My enthusiasm probably sounded false. Well, it was. I sighed; resigned to another morning spent not making friends with Erin. I followed her across the garden to the back door. Holding my hands behind my back, I put the ring back in my pocket.

Before we went into the tavern, Erin turned. "Best keep that clan-ring out of sight," she said.

I showed my bare finger.

She nodded approval.

A clan-ring?


9 March 2017 - replaced with revised scene



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