nine; nancy drew and google

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Again I find myself standing in front of the McCall house. Before I can knock I hear someone walking up behind me. I turn to see Stiles and give him a slight smile. He walks ahead and opens the door without knocking.

"Oh, alright then." I follow him up the stairs and into a bedroom. Scott looks up and does a double take when he sees me standing with his best friend.

"I just want to ask, you do realize tomorrow is a full moon, right? And that you haven't gotten control yet, correct? And you are planning to play a violent sport in front of a large crowd, yes?" I ask taking a seat in a chair.

Scott sighs and ruffles his hair, "I have to play. I don't have a choice.."

I look down, "Boy you better hope you get a grip by game night."

Stiles gives him a very adamant pointed look that almost makes me crack a smile.

I shake my head and change the subject, "Anything new on anything?"

Scott looks to Stiles who just shrugs his shoulders. "I found something at Derek's house."

I give him a confused look, "Does he live in the woods?"

Him and Stiles again share a look before they both stare at me, "what?"

"Yeah, he does. In a burned down house that his family perished in." My eyes widen at Stiles's blunt truth.

"His family was burned alive?"

They both nod before Stiles asks what Scott had found, "There was something buried there. I smelt blood."

"That's amazing! I mean, that's terrible. But who's blood?" Stiles enthuses his excitement pushing crazy.

"Okay, listen. I am not Nancy Drew and I do not inspire to be. You two figure this out and call me when you get it. Scott give Stiles my number." Stiles stares at Scott with wide eyes and I give a little laugh before leaving the house.

                                  ➳  ➳  ➳  ➳  ➳
I click the Google search bar before typing in his name. At fast speed links pop up and I click the first one. After about five, I sigh and put my head down.

'Mysterious fire' and 'Arson' were many of the words on almost every article. I have an answer for the problem, but it doesn't connect. My family hunts by the code. My father lives for it. He would never do anything like that. I don't understand...

I jumped up when I hear the skid of tires outside the house. I quickly run down the stairs and out the front door right behind Allison. I gasp when I see Scott on the ground in front of my dads car. "What the hell?" 

I watch as my dad gets out looking nerved, "Oh my god..."

"Dad? What the hell are you doing?" Allison asks kneeling beside Scott. Me, being the only
One who knows he will be perfectly fine, doesn't stress.

"He came out of no where!" My dad says still looking slightly dazed.

"No, it's my fault, I'm sorry. I'm okay though. I should go," Scott sits up and Allison tries her best to help him.

"You sure you're okay?" She asks her tone full of worry. I watch the two and I'm amazed by the connection they already have.

"Yeah, I have a lacrosse game to go to. You're still coming right?"

Allison smiles and nods her head before my dad answers for her, "We both are."

I notice the apprehensive look on his face before awkwardly raising my hand, "Actually all three of us are."

The Archer ➳ Derek Hale {1}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora