thirteen; cops and remembering

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The sound of leaves crunching under my feet abruptly ends as I stop walking. I face the burned house and wonder how it remains standing.

I hesitate to walk closer, but force myself to. I lightly step onto the porch not sure if it will hold my weight.

I jump when I hear his voice, "Haven't we talk about private property?" I look to my right and see Derek leaning against one the post. I finish walking up the steps and copy him by crossing my arms across my chest.

"Haven't we talked about me wanting to be on your side?" I ask rhetorically. He continues to look off into the forest and I step closer.

My arms slowly fall to my sides, "Derek, I want to help you-"

He quickly cuts me off and his sharp green eyes meet mine, "You don't even know me."

I shake my head annoyed with him already. "Who's fault is that? I've been completely honest with you. I already told you I wanted to know you, that I wanted to help you and that you'd be seeing me again." I point out trying to not to think about sitting with him in his car.

I watch as he grunts softly and shakes his head. I throw my hands up slightly as he walks threw the front door and into the burned house. I follow him quickly, but once I step inside I notice everything covered in black and basically falling apart at the seams.

"Do you live here?" I ask as I begin to follow him again, but slower this time. I don't get an answer, but I take the silence as a yes.

I walk into what seems to be the living room and see Derek annoyingly leaning against a couch residing in the room. "Are you ever going to talk to me?"

"Why should I? Want me to tell you all the secrets of Beacon Hills so you and your family can have an advantage?" I ignore the sting from his somewhat hateful words and nod my head understandably.

"I get it," I walk closer and give him a look. "My family is made of hunters. I understand why you would hate me before even meeting me. But I'm not like them. I don't...I don't want to be like them. That's why I'm trying to make some friends. I don't want to kill people, Derek." I try to show him that everything I was saying was completely honest, but before he can respond I hear a car door shut from outside.

I start to move over to the window, but a hand grabs my arm and pulls me back slightly. We both slowly walk over and I try to ignore the burning feeling of his hand still on my arm.

I notice a lone cop standing outside the house and not looking very pleased about it. I jump slightly when a dog starts barking and I hear the cop's voice, but due to my lack of supernatural hearing I can't make out what he is saying.

I turn slightly to look up at Derek, "What's happening?" He doesn't answer, but I watch him closely as his eyes shine a bright blue. I listen as the dog continues to bark, but louder and soon he is trying to force his head out of the backseat window.

My hand grabs Derek's arm, "Alright, I think he gets the idea!" As the words leave my mouth the cop jogs back to his car and speeds off.

"That was eventful.." I shake my head, but something outside catches my eyes. "Scott?" I mutter to myself and I quickly turn and take off towards the front door. I stop and turn to Derek, "You should probably go out first. You know, I'm guessing he's here to see you." He gives me his classic stare before walking towards the front door just as I did.

He opens it slowly, but before he completely steps out he reaches back and pulls me out with him.

"Abby? What are you doing here?" Scott's face lights up with surprise and his widen eyes meet mine.

I shyly wave, " know, hanging out." I slightly shove Derek's shoulder, but he stands as still as a brick wall. An emotionless sturdy brick wall.

Scott gives me one last confused stare before looking to Derek, "Okay, I know I was part of you getting arrested and we basically announced you being here to the hunters," I cough awkwardly and look down at the mention of my family. "Also I don't know what happened to your sister, but I think I did something last night. I had a dream about..someone, but someone else got hurt and it turns out that, that part of the dream might have actually happened."

"You think you attacked the bus driver?" Derek's speaks finally while raising an eyebrow.

"Did you see what I did last night?" Scott asks loudly hoping someone could explain this all to him.

I couldn't help but feel bad for Scott. This was all new to him and even though I new almost everything about werewolves, I didn't know what it was like to actually be one. I could only imagine the confusion and fear he constantly felt.

"Can you at least tell me the truth? Am I going to hurt someone?"

"Yes," Derek answered quickly as if he already knew what Scott was going to ask.

"Could I kill someone?" Scotts voice raised with the stress clear on his face.


"Am I going to kill someone?!"

"Probably," I give Derek a look and he just returns it as we watch Scott sulk and fall against the railing of the porch. "Look, I can show you how to remember, I can show you how to control the shift, even on a full moon, but it's not going to come for free."

"What do you want?" Scott's tired voice asks over the sound of light rain as it start to sprinkle around us. That's going to be fun to walk some in.

"You'll find out, but for now I'm going to give you what you want. Go back to the bus, see it, feel it. Let your senses sight, smell, touch, let them remember for you."

"That's it? Just go back?" His head raises and he looks less distraught than before.

"Do you want to remember?"

"I just to know if I hurt him.."

"No you don't. You want to know if you'll hurt her." Derek informs him giving Scott an all knowing look.

I look up quickly at the mention of this 'her', already knowing who they mean. I look worriedly between the both of them as I pictured my sister being the one taken out of that bus this morning.

Trust me when I say I didn't like the idea of that, at all.

The Archer ➳ Derek Hale {1}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ