twenty eight; janitors and teamwork

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We all rushed into the room and Scott's voice is the first I hear, "Call your dad."

Stiles stares at him with wide eyes, "And tell him what?"

"I don't know, anything. Gas leak, a fire, whatever. If that thing sees the parking lot filled with cop cars, it'll take off." Scott shrugs, listing off all excuses.

"What if it doesn't? What if it goes completely Terminator and kills every cop in sight, including my dad?"

I realize the truth to that statement and can't help but understand why Stiles wouldn't want to call his dad here.

As they continue to bicker I place my bow down on one of the benches near us.

Scott shrugged again trying to get his point across, "They have guns."

"Yeah, and Derek had to be shot with a wolfs bane laced bullet to even slow him down, you remember that?"

I wince again at the mention of Derek's name, but even after seeing what I saw I couldn't help but think that he was okay. Although, that might just be my optimism talking.

"Then we-we have to," Scott sighs and shakes his head. I notice the stress on his face as he tries to figure out a way to get out of this school alive. "We have to find a way out and just run for it."

I slowly shake my head at that, "I know I haven't been here long, but I'm almost sure that there isn't anything around this school for miles."

"What about Derek's car?"

I look up at the both of them and I hold back any thoughts of guilt. Derek was either badly injured or dead, and they wanted to jack his car?

"That could work," Stiles nods before continuing. "We go outside, we get the keys off his body, and then we take his car."

I glare lightly at the both of them, "And him. We take him with us."

Stiles rolls his eyes slightly at my terms, "Fine. Whatever."

I sigh heavily and start to move to the door. "Listen, we do this fast and make sure that we get Derek, understand? I am not dying in school-"

Scott's hand grabs my wrist as I reach for the door handle.

I watch as Scott stares ahead, "I think I heard something. Hide,"

We slowly start to retreat and then Stiles nosily rips open a locker door and steps inside before shutting it. "Wow, okay! How thoughtful of you!" I quietly and sarcastically yell before getting into a locker myself.

I hold my breath the best I can and watch the dark room around us. I watch the door handle slowly twist open and a dark figure enters the room. My heart beats a thousand miles an hour and I slowly place my hand over my mouth. I jump when Scott's yells fill the room before Stiles's do as well. I rip open the locker door and jump out.

"Son of a bitch!" A deep voice comes from in front of me and my eyes widen at the sight of a janitor. I lay my hand against my chest and take a deep breath.

Son of bitch is right.

Stiles's eyes widen at the loudness of the janitor's voice, " Quiet!"

The janitor's face gets slightly red with anger, "Quiet my ass, what the hell are you trying to do, kill me? All of you get out!"

"Will you just listen for half a second, okay?"

He shakes his head as he starts to push us out of the room, "Not okay. Get the hell out of here right now,"

I roll my eyes and try to resist his shoving, "Hey, if you could just listen, you'd understand-"

He continues to push us out, "Just shut up and go."

I look on in horror as the janitor's body is yanked back into the locker room and the door slams shut. We all watch as he is placed against the door and then blood is splattered and covers the glass.

Stiles grabs both of our arms and starts to pull us away, "Go! Go!"

I quickly stop running and feel my eyes widen. I look back and debate my actions. I slowly start to move towards the locked room when a hand grabs my arm, "What the hell are you doing?"

I turn to Scott quickly while still trying to go back, "My bow is in there. The only weapon we have is in that room!"

"Forget about it, Abby. You're way more important than a fricking bow! Let's go!"

I stand and debate for another half a second before allowing him to pull me forward. 

We move down hall after hall as fast as we can. I feel my feet relentlessly hit the ground until I see double doors ahead. "There!" I point at the doors and the three of us move towards them. As we reach them I slam my hands against the handles, pushing with all my strength. They don't budge and I groan in anger, "Seriously!"

Stiles continues to push the doors, "What the hell?"

Scott looks in the small crack between the doors before sighing, "It's a dumpster."

"He pushed it in front of the door to block us in. Come on, help me," Stiles slams against the door again, but I grab his arm knowing that we wouldn't be able to move he heavy dumpster.

"I'm not dying here. I'm not dying at school."

"You're preaching to the choir here, Stiles. I hate to be the optimistic one, but there is no way in hell that I will die here, so we are not dying."

We start to move back down the hall to find another way out while Stiles sighs and throws his hands in the air, "God, what is he doing? What does he want?"

"Scott. He's an alpha and making Scott part of his pack will make him stronger." I tell them one of the things I've learned from my father over the years. They both turn to me and I shrug.

Stiles sarcastically smiles, "Oh, great. A psychotic werewolf who's into teen work. That's - that's beautiful!"

Yeah, teamwork was something we we're about to learn about ourselves.

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