Desire love chap 3

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Desire Love - Chapter 3

I really enjoyed my night tonight. I took out my key from my bag and opened the door. I saw mother and father were standing at the door.

"Mother, Father.. Are you waiting for me? " I smiled.

"Yes, we are.. " They looked furious. I ignored and looked at Heather. She was actually giggling. I was wondering what happened. Mother suddenly slapped me.

"Mother! What's that for? " I exclaimed.

"You should know yourself. " Mother yelled.

"Huh? Know what? "

"Belle! I've always trusted you! I thought you're a good daughter who we could rely on and feel proud of. But I was wrong. " Father interrupted.

"Huh?! What are you guys talking? " I said.

"I couldn't believe you actually warned Heather not to tell others you both are actually siblings and you even stole her boyfriend? How could you do that?! " Father yelled.

"What? I.... I warned her not to tell others she's my siblings and I stole her boyfriend? Father, you're wrong! "

"Heather was crying just now. She told us everything! Belle! I'm so disappointed in you! "

"Mother... You're disappointed in me? But she's adopted! " I yelled and pointed at Heather. Heather was just pretending she was so sad and wiped her 'fake' tears. Mother was really angry and slapped me on my face again. It hurts so much but my heart hurts more.

"I don't allow you to say that! You're hurting Heather! "

"Belle! We tried to make everything perfect for Heather and we even tried to find her parents but why? Why did you treated her so bad? " Father said.

"Father... I... "

"Mum, Dad... Don't argue anymore. I don't want to see all of you argue because of me." Heather ran to us. " She's right, Dad. I'm adopted. I got no parents. Belle, I'm sorry I told mum and dad everything. I'm just so sad. " She then cried.

"Just look! She actually helped you and you're trying to hurt her! You're so cruel, Belle! " I stared at Heather, Mum and Dad. I finally knew what happened. Why? Father.. Just because she's adopted and you pitied her so you made everything perfect for her and blame everything on me? It's too unfair, father.

"Father.. " I stopped for few seconds and continued again. " Yes, I admitted I'm not a good sister. " I said calmly and turned to Heather. " Heather.. I'm sorry. Please don't cry anymore. " I turned my head and walk upstairs.

"Belle! " Heather suddenly called out for me. I did not turn my head. " Belle, can you return Rafe to me? I really need him. "

"What? " I turned to her. " Rafe? But I thought.... "

"Belle! " Father glared at me.

"Ok.. Do whatever you want. " I walked to my room and locked the door. I leaned against the door and tears stream down my face. I sat by the window for the whole night. I don't think I belong to this family. I walked to the cupboard and picked up all my clothes. I wrote letter and put it on the table and went off.


April is the only one I could rely on right now. I rang the bell. It's already 3a.m. and she actually opened the door.

"Belle? Belle! What happened?! " She exclaimed.

"April! " I dropped my luggage and hugged her.

"Belle, what happened? Why are you here? And why are you crying? Did.... Did Heather did something horrible to you? "

"What should I do? I lost my parents! They trusted Heather! " I cried out.

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