Desire love chap 8

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Desire Love Chapter 8

"Ok, class dismissed"Teacher demanded.

"Hey, April.. Let's go back together."I smiled.

"You're coming back with me, Belle."Rex interrupted.

"Err... Well, sorry Belle.. But I'm going home with Pierre."April said.

"Oh no..... No no no..."I whispered.

"Heard that, Belle?"Rex then pulled me away.

"Get in the car, Belle."He led me to his Silver Lamborghini Gallardo.

"What are you trying to do?!"I yelled.

"For your information, from today onwards.. You're staying at my house."He smirked.

"Wh.... What?!"I stunned. He then drove off.

"Oh no!"I whispered.


"Ok, which room should I sleep at?"I glared at him.

"My room."

"Then where are you going to sleep?"

"My room."

"What?! Don't expect me to sleep in your room with YOU!"I walked away.

"Whatever! I've asked the maid to locked all the rooms. It's impossible for you to get into those rooms. Only my room and dad's room."He smiled.

"Urghhh!!!!! Where's dad?"

"Inside the room."He pointed.

"Dad!"I opened the door and saw dad was sleeping at the study room.

"Oh god! He'll catch a cold like that."I quickly ran to close the windows and took a blanket to covered his body.

"So, my girl. I wonder where you are going to sleep."Rex lean against the door and smiled again.

"Don't smile at me. I hate your smile."I walked past him."Back off!"

"I'll sleep on the floor."


"Why not?"I yelled.

"Because you are not allow."

"Fine then! I'm going back to April's house."

"Abbie!"He shouted."Lock the door and don't let Belle out!"

"What?!"I glared at him."Fine! I surrendered! I'll sleep beside you but DON'T TOUCH ME!"

"No problem.". I laid down on his bed and turned away.


Urghh! I couldn't sleep. It's already 3a.m. I turned my head to face Rex. He was topless! I stared at him for 5 minutes. Yes! Maybe this is the best chance to escape! I slowly get up from the bed and opened the door.

"What are you doing? "He got up and stared at me.

"Errr... I'm thirsty. I'll go get some drink."I smiled.

"Huh! Do you think I'm so stupid? I know you're trying to escape!"

"I'm not!"

"Ok, keep your word then!"

"I will!"I exclaimed and went downstairs. It was too dark that I accidentally fell down from the stairs.

"OUCH!!"Shit! I sprained my ankle.

"Belle! What happened?!"He came rushing to me."Are you ok?"

"I sprained my ankle."I cried out. He then carried me with his hands to his room.

"Hey! Put me down."


"I said put me down!"

"You've sprained your ankle. You won't be able to walk now."He said. I was speechless.

"Is it still hurt?"He kneel down and gave my ankle a massage.

"Not anymore...."I stared at him."Hey, Rex.. Thanks."

"Im so glad you're ok. I thought something happened to you."He hugged me tightly that I could hardly breathe."Let's go to sleep. We still have class tomorrow."

"Ok.."I nodded.


---- Friday ----

"Morning Belle!"April called out.


"You looked depressed. You ok?"

"I'm worried about dad. Heather doesn't want to tell me dad's state."

"Don't worry. Your dad will be fine."April smiled.


"Hey, Belle.. Let's go back."Rex said.

"Rex.. I've got something to do. I'll go back on my own."

"Huh? What is it?"Rex stared at me.

"It's just something. I'll definitely go back, trust me. Got to go. Bye!"I walked away.

I went to shopping complex to buy a book which teaches me how to cook vegetable stew, dad's favorite and bought all the ingredients. Hmm... Oh wait! Flowers! I went to a flower shop to buy a bouquet of flowers.


I took a cab to April's house.

"Belle! What are you doing?"April asked.

"I'm trying to cook the vegetable stew for my dad."

"Need my help?"April smiled.

"Yes! Thanks!"

"Tada! All done!"

"Wow! It looks like a mess. Do you think a patient can eat that?"April teased.

"Its my first time, what do you expect?"

"Whatever! Its 7.30 already! Hurry up and go to the hospital!"

"Ok ok.."I took off my apron.

"Shit! Where's the cab?"I was so anxious.

"Hey, Belle! Get in!"

"Rex?! Why are you here?"I yelled.

"Just get in!". I quickly open the door and went in the car.

"Why are you here?"

"I've followed you the whole day and I'm so tired."

"What?! You followed me?!"I exclaimed.


"Why did you do that?"

"Because I'm worried!"

"Fine! Do whatever you like." Honestly, I'm really pissed because of Rex. Why can't he at least give me my own private time? I mean he should at least respect me! He's being too forceful. I really detest it.

To Be Continued ~

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