Chapter 61

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"You move one step and I'll blow your son's brains out," says Todd.

The stupid idiot doesn't listen. He takes one step back and then he's behind me, using me as a shield against Todd's rifle. He puts the gun to my temple.

"Is that really smart?" says Todd. "You're outnumbered and every single one of your men have either been arrested or are lying dead in their own blood. It's over, Garcia. You're finished."

"Dad-" says Danny.

"Shut up!" he yells at Danny and the sound nearly breaks my ear.

"How the hell did you survive that grenade?" I croak.

Todd actually smiles at me. "You're not the only one with nine lives, Knight. And Mickey's not as slow as you think. He saw that grenade coming and we jumped down from the platform just in time."

"How touching," Garcia growls.

Todd holds his gun steady. "You either go down with dignity, Garcia, and let the police decide your fate, or you die here in this warehouse with a bullet in your chest. Personally I'd love to shoot you multiple times in many uncomfortable places, but I'm sure there are many friendly faces in prison who would just love to catch up."

Garcia grips me tighter and laughs madly. "You have no idea who you're talking about, kid. I have friends in every corner of this scumbag town. If I go down, they'll remain loyal to me. You won't see the end of my revolution. I'll be here long after I'm dead. And everyone you love will be butchered."

Todd snorts a laugh. "We'll see about that, won't we."

Nick bends down and picks up Lurker's gun quicker than even Garcia can register. I didn't realize he'd been moving closer and closer to the dead man's body. Garcia flinches and for a moment I think he might shoot me, but his hands are shaking. He knows he's outnumbered.

"I think you both need to leave," he says.

"Not a chance," says Nick. "You have a gun to my girlfriend's neck, I'm not leaving this warehouse until I know she's safe."

My heart explodes. Girlfriend. He said girlfriend.

"Then you are about the stupidest son of a bitch I know. That's not how this works. You lower your gun and get out of this crate, or I shoot her right-"

"No," says Nick.

"No?" says Todd.

"No?" Garcia laughs loudly again. "NO!?"

"No. You won't shoot her."

"How is that?"

"Because you value your life," says Nick. "You want to live. And the second you shoot her, I will put a bullet through your skull and call it self-defense. The paperwork will be nasty, but I can deal."

Garcia swallows.

"I'm going to count to three," says Nick.

He doesn't lower the gun.


Outside, there are shouts in the distance and then the sound of bike engines roaring to life. A few rounds are fired. Either the crews are making their escape or they've brought the fight outside. People could be dying. I can tell Todd is itching to get out there and help his men.


I meet Nick's gaze. I have seconds to tell him that I love him. But I don't need even one. He already knows. And I know he loves me too.

Before Nick can say 'three', a bullet is fired. And it's not Nick's. It's not even Garcia's. I've squeezed my eyes shut and I hear a body collapse on the floor. I feel the thump and something knocks against my bound feet. When I open my eyes, Garcia is staring up at me from plastic-covered ground, his eyes open, a pool of thick blood oozing through the creases.

I look up. Both Todd and Nick's faces are flooded with confusion.

That's when I realize the shooter is behind me. I try to twist around but it's too painful. Then the chains holding my body up are unbound and I collapse. Nick is there to catch me. I'm shaking from head to toe, bleeding and broken in more ways than just physically.

"Are you okay, Jess?" he asks.

I turn around and peer up into Danny's ghostly face, his father's own pistol in his hands.

I don't think I'm okay. I don't think I will ever be okay.

Butat least I'm not the one who put a bullet in her father's head.

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