~ Chapter Thirteen ~

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~  Chapter Thirteen ~

"There was a monster in my bed. He tore my clothes right off. He ate my heart and then he ate my brain"

'Monster' Lady GaGa

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"I heard you were involved in a fight with Alpha Alexander." Julius broke the silence which seemed to pervade the dinner table. I paused, my fork stilling mid air while Maicoh continued to cut into the pork without so much as sparing his grandfather a glance.

"Alessia Myers' mate?" Diana quipped pointedly. I caught her gaze and she rose an eyebrow.

"Yes that is correct." Maicoh replied formally. Julius nodded but didn't take his eyes off Maicoh's tense form. Diana narrowed her eyes at me.

"Was it something to do with Alessia Myers? What happened exactly?" Maicoh glanced towards her disinterestedly but stiffened when he realised she had been directing the question towards me. I put down my fork and sipped my water, avoiding her probing gaze.

"Alpha Alexander became frustrated that's all. He said some things he shouldn't have said, Maicoh said some things he shouldn't have said and Alexander retaliated with violence." I replied carefully. Diana leaned in.

"But why did Alpha Alexander become frustrated?" I glanced to Maicoh only to find him inspecting me intensely. I swallowed.

"I don't know." I managed to choke at last. A slow smile slid across Diana's face.

"Oh. Well Ms. Tate contacted me this afternoon. She's worried you may be a disruptive influence in the lecture hall. I suppose I must warn you against such vulgar behaviour." I coughed, just avoiding throwing up the fresh tomato I had just deposited in my mouth. Maicoh's eyes snapped to his grandmother.

"What did she say?" he questioned sharply, his tone unmistakably defensive. Diana shrugged while Julius narrowed his eyes at Maicoh in warning.

"She didn't mention the details, merely that Maeve seems reluctant to participate and is disrupting Alessia's learning and development." she replied coolly.

"Development or subjugation?" I muttered before I could stop myself. Maicoh bristled.

We've talked about this Maeve.

I shrunk into my seat avoiding his piercing gaze. Diana pounced on my statement.

"You don't agree with her methods?" She watched me. I squirmed, glancing at Maicoh but never really meeting his eyes. Julius sent his mate a glare in warning but she merely ignored him. My Stag flared within me and I felt unshackled from Maicoh's influence.

"I don't agree with her content. She teaches subject matter which is irrelevant to a person in a leadership position. All we learn about is pregnancy, children and relationship development. I do not undervalue this knowledge and if I choose to have children I have no doubt I would..."

"When you have children." I blinked, my chain of thought broken by Maicoh's intrusion.


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