~ Chapter Twenty-Six ~

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~ Chapter Twenty-Six ~

Greensleeves was all my joy
Greensleeves was my delight,
Greensleeves was my heart of gold,
And who but my Lady Greensleeves.  

I have been ready at your hand,
To grant whatever you would crave,
I have wagered both life and land,
Your love and good-will for to have

Greensleeves, now farewell, adieu,
God I pray to prosper thee,
For I am still thy lover true,
Come once again and love me.  

Greensleeves, Celtic Ladies

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"What are you doing here?" I managed to stutter without my voice breaking. Her ice blue eyes narrowed as she stepped into the room.

"Nathalie and I thought you might need some guidance." She spoke carefully but there was no mistaking the condescension in her voice. I glanced at Nathalie but her features remained still. Agatha's face twitched in a frown as her gaze wavered between us. 

"How thoughtful." I bit out as I laced my fingers behind my back in a painful embrace. My nails dug into my skin as my mother held her hand out to the hallway.

"Come Maeve, let us talk." she beckoned.  Everyone in the room watched silently as I followed my mother's direction and walked out of the room. Maicoh's hand stayed me for a moment. I calmly looked up at him as I tried to conceal my fear. His silver eyes were alight with concern.

What's wrong? 

My eyes flickered around the room momentarily. I gently removed his hand and placed the apple in it.


"I will see you at midday to practice." he parted under his breath. I managed a shaky smile and shot him a brisk nod before leading my mother down the hallway. 

"Why don't we walk about the grounds?" I offered meekly as she fell into stride with me. 

"Yes, that might be best." she agreed stiffly. The sun greeted us as we stepped onto the patio, its warm rays sinking into my skin. Pack members littered the grass as they strung up decorations. Children ran along the patio with streamers in their hair, laughing gleefully. My mother eyed them distastefully. Bright carnations and ribbons were intertwined with the timber railing and wax candles lined the stairs, waiting to be lit when night fell. The courtyard was bordered by long feasting tables yet to be adorned with bundles of wildflowers and candelabras. A group of pack members gathered together in the centre of the grass to hoist the maypole into the earth. The tall beam was lovingly hand-carved, depicting a mass of grapevines crawling up its body. The long ribbons of fabric the women had been plaiting together a few days ago hung from its head, waiting for the pack members to take them up and thread them around the pole. The air was brimming with excitement as the men grunted under the pressure of the beam. A timid round of applause echoed around the courtyard as they successfully settled the maypole into the earth. I recognised Jaren among the group as he held up a hand to the crowd before taking a bow. I couldn't help the grin that washed over my features as our eyes met. He winked cheekily. I shook my head and rolled my eyes as I descended the stairs. 

"You seem quite familiar with that warrior." my mother remarked flatly. 

"As Alphress I should be quite familiar with all my pack members." I replied smoothly. The warriors wiped their brows as they proudly stared up at the maypole. A few of the older women weaved between them with jugs of apple cider. They nodded in appreciation as they downed the iced drinks within seconds. A few eyed me over their shoulders with thinly veiled interest as we strolled around the perimeter of the courtyard. 

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