~ Chapter Fifteen ~

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~ Chapter Fifteen ~

"Everything begins and ends at exactly the right time and place."

Miranda, Picnic at Hanging Rock

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"You didn't tell Maicoh." I murmured, my eyes wandering to the window as the morning light bathed the room. It had not been shut since I opened it yesterday. The scent of the forest infused the room, clean and crisp, the heavy odour of lavender long dissipated. I felt Conan's eyes lock onto my calm figure as I perched on the windowsill, a soft smile gracing my serene features. He sipped his water, his eyes never leaving me.

"I promised I wouldn't." He replied simply. I frowned and cast my gaze to his figure. He sat on the lounge chair, his shoulders squared, his legs crossed leisurely. He seemed incredibly calm, but his eyes were bright and inquisitive. I brought my ankles up beside me, tucking them under my night gown.

"I thought you would have." I whispered confusedly. He seemed startled for a moment. I looked down ashamedly. He relaxed and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

"You never wanted to mate with Maicoh. We both know that." I meet his solid gaze once more, his eyes never leaving mine. "Do you honestly believe I would insult you by dedicating my loyalty to Maicoh before you? You are my sister. You are a Fenris. You always will be." He stood to rest a hand on my shoulder. A tear trickled down my cheek and his brow creased with concern. He knelt before me, forcing me to meet his eyes.

"Am I?" I choked. He shook his head.

"What do you mean? You are my blood." The bond quivered, sending a warning through my body.

"I am not a Fenris anymore." I sighed, my hand rising to delicately touch Maicoh's mark which still hadn't healed.

"I am an Adolphas now." I whispered brokenly. Conan snarled and jumped to his feet, his sapphire eyes gleaming with a viciousness I had never before witnessed in him. I blinked in shock.

"It's a disgrace what he did to you! It's disgusting." He snapped, his calm veneer completely shattered as he paced the room. I watched him silently as he raked his hand through his mossy hair.

"To think that he has the presumption to take you from us, against your will, against mine. What did he do to earn you?" He snapped, looking at me meaningfully. The bond twisted and writhed, urging me to rise up in Maicoh's defense, sensing Conan's hostility. I pushed it back, my Stag nonchalantly raising its head to watch my brother with interest, taking pleasure in their mutual hatred for my mate.

"Nothing!" Conan continued, throwing his hands in the air. "Typical Adolphas. They think they have the right to walk all over us, treat us like common mongrels. Pride is like a disease in their family, it corrupts them to the core!" He growled, pounding his chest. I watched as his eyes began to glow with vehemence. He rolled his neck, baring his fangs.

"And the part that kills me the most is that our father, our entire family lets them." I looked down, guilt weighing upon my heart as Conan moved to question our father. He was no longer my Alpha but the bond between a father and his daughter is something that cannot so easily be broken.

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