Chapter 1

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"Thank you so much for doing business with us" was the only thing I said to the client after the meeting. I am a wedding planner and me and my BFF Emily Ruth have started our own wedding planning firm. And I am pleased to say its been really good. We have become quite popular in and around LA and have also landed a few high profile clients. Even though I really want to hate the people of my past but they also gave me my kids as well as an experience of party planning which I used to do with the mother of my ex-husband. 

As I was lost in my thoughts suddenly my phone rang "This is Charlotte evans speaking "I said without looking at the caller id. I had changed my last name after I got divorced but named my babies after him cause like it or not he is their father. "hello Charlotte its me Kim",who is actually my kids babysitter. "Hey, what sup I hope the babies are not giving you any kind of trouble are they , wait did something happen to them?!" I practically screamed the last part. "no everything is just fine I was just calling to ask you that when will you be home cause its already 5 and stop freaking out the kids are fine and watching sesame street" , Kim said with a calm voice."oh yeah my last meeting ran late and I forgot to text you. I will leave the office in about 10 so see you in about 30 minutes" I said and hung up. Even though I loved my job the best time of the day is when i get home I get to spend time with my kids and it's heart warming. Even though both Avery and Aria look just like Austin I have no regrets of having them. They have started walking but are not talking as of now. And its always funny cause they are always full of energy and keep me on my toes cause they walk around the whole house until they are tired. Being a boy and a girl both have a lot of sibling rivalry and always steal each others toys but at night when they are sleeping Avery always cuddles with Aria and its so cute. I have about a million pictures of them in my iphone which i would never delete.

As I was thinking about them i pulled up in the garage of the building and parked my car. I have a 2 bedroom condo on the second floor its a good place and is full of family people. Entering the apartment a boy and a girl came running to me and tugging my suit pants to pick them up. I put my laptop and purse aside and picked them up just then Kim came running holding a stuffed unicorn and bear in her hands. "oh, hey Charllote i was just looking for them. I turned for one minute to answer my cell and the next thing i knew that they bolted away from me." I laughed at her and took the toys from her "Its ok so what do I owe you?" I asked for the day's sitting. I usually leave them with Emily's parents who treat me as their own daughter and the kids as their own grand kids, but they have gone to their all expenses paid vacation to Hawaii given by me and Emily on their anniversary and will return the day after tomorrow. "Oh that'll be $35 ". i grabbed my wallet which was a little hard because Avery was on my right arm who was babbling with his big sister on my left arm. 

I sent the babysitter away and the 3 of us played which mainly consisted of me chasing them around. once the 3 of us were tired i gave them their bottle, a bath and put them to sleep. As I was about to go work in my room my cell rang showing Emily calling whose photo was her hugging my twins on her birthday. When I picked up "Oh My God Thank god you are awake you would not believe what happend" when started and did not give me a chance to say hello, "what?" I said."okay do you remember my cousin whom I was telling you Amelia who had gone to New York after you came back and had started dating a rich guy  over there" "yeah" was all that i could say "well he proposed to her this weekend" she went on "and mom told her mom about us and well Amelia just called and said that she wanted us to plan her wedding". "Oh My God thats awesome". "Yeah but the wedding would take place in New York and she and her fiance have called the both of us to New York for a meeting". "Emily thats awesome it'll give us a chance to expand the business" i said already psyched about the thing. "But after everything that happened there are you sure we should, I mean if you don't want to we won't we already have a lot of clients" , she said in her sad but business like tone. "Emily its fine and you know i am trying to forget everything that happened there it'll be good for us. It'll give me a chance to make new and happy memories there." I said trying to sound convincing. "Okay" she said skeptically "its your decision so YAY!! for us, okay so the meeting is on monday so we have 2 days for prep and dont worry apparently Amelia's fiance has booked us our flight tickets and hotel room so all we have to worry about is what to take. I've already spoken to mom who said she'll take care of the babies and we'll be back by Tuesday evening, Okay."

"okay " was all i could say because i have never been away from my babies and was a lot skeptical."charlotte it'll be fine it'll give mom and dad a chance to bond with the kids and you can always facetime it'll be fun". "okay yeah lets do it" being a little more enthusiastic and optimistic and hung up. It'll be fine I assured myself its only for a day and what could possibly go wrong..........................

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