Chapter 11

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Emily Rudd as Charllote on the side bar=>


It was a normal and long day today. Its 7 in the evening and I just entered my room with my kids. They sleep around 8 in the night. It amazes me that they go to bed around 8 and wake up around 7 in the morning. I switch on the TV for them while I change. Nothing much happened today except Austin arrived. I had no idea why he was here though. I mean even Henery and Amelia had not even arrived yet. But I got a text from Emily that he was here but only for five minutes cause I got a text again that he'd left. Other than that Amelia and Henery arrived around 6 with their immediate family, I had not met them yet. Emily had told me to go back because she had it all covered, even though I still had work to do she forced me to go and 'relax'. Since me and the kids had already had our dinner so the 3 of us watched Floogals on NBC and then at 8 we all went to bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I realized that I was actually really tired and sleep instantly took over me.


"ugh". I woke up at 6 am at the sound of the alarm. I checked on the babies, they were still asleep. I get up and get freshen up and decide to give Emily a wake up call. It kept on ringing and ringing and she finally picked up. "Let me sleep", "Well good morning to you to Em", "What time is it?", "Its around 6:30" i say looking at the watch. "You woke me up at 6 fucking 30. Oh come on Charllote" she whines. "Yeah so I know that you wouldn't have woken up at 7 so I was just taking you know precautions", "yeah okay so I'm up now." "Okay so meet you downstairs in 45 minutes for breakfast", "Yeah okay bye". We hung up and I saw that in Avery was up and was sitting and looking at his surroundings. I picked him up and and he looked at me with his blue eyes and puts his fist in his mouth. "Hey baby your up early today" ,as if understanding what I said he removed his fist he smiled at me and started babbling. I prepare a bottle for him and his sister and give him one. I see that Aria is still fast asleep so I decide to get Avery ready since we are short of time. As I am giving Avery a bath I hear Aria crying her lungs out. The good thing is that Avery is all cleaned up so I take him outside. I give Aria her bottle while I dress Avery in one of his onsie. After he is dressed I get Aria ready as well  and put something on the TV for them and give them their toys. Its already 7:15 so I quickly take a shower and get dressed. I chose a black plaid skirt with a white blouse shirt and pair them with my black open toe heels. I see that its around 7:20 so I put the kids in their car seats since thats the only thing I have to carry them and carry them downstairs.

Charllote's outfit:

Charllote's outfit:

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We had all decided to meet at the kitchen . Even though we were invited to eat breakfast at the table we just thought it'll be more suitable for us to eat in the kitchen, less awkward the better. When I enter the kitchen I see that everyone is already here. "Hey" everybody says in unison. I just smile and take a seat next to Emily and Penelope and put the car seats on the table. "Hey aren't mom and dad suppose to watch the kids ?" Emily asked e while stuffing her mouth with scrambled eggs. "No not today they told me last night that they had to go somewhere with Amelia's parents so they can't watch them today, so I am keeping them for the day. Which reminds me that can you manage the kitchen today, cause we are behind on all the decorations and you know that the bridal shower is on 14th and its 12th already, plus I have to look after the kids as well, please Emily", "Alright but you'll owe me" "Thank you. Em you are the best" I said hugging her. "That I am " she mutters under her breath. "So can someone tell me that why are we providing breakfast, because clearly they have their own cooks to provide them food in the morning" Penelope suddenly yells. "Oh thats because Amelia called 2 weeks before and asked us to provide food from 11th till the 20th" Emily answers. "So you just agreed to what she said" Penelope answers. "Hell yeah more food for them more money for us." Asher answers but Sebastian slaps him . "Ow what was that for", Asher whines. 

So after our breakfast we all go back to work. Since Penelope is the make up artist she does not have any work to do as of now so she agrees to help Emily while Jane offers to help me. We are currently on the beach behind the house. The houses don't have a private beach and it is common to all the houses on the lane. Amelia wants a beach wedding so we are deciding upon the boundary and space that the aisle and chairs will tale. The kids are with my assistant just a few meters away. After we have decided I assign jobs to everyone and they get back to work. This beach brings back so many memories. I decide to just stroll for about 10 minutes. I take off my shoes and decide to walk on the boundary that we have created. My mind drifts off to the time I was here the last time. It was before me and Austin had gotten married. We were so in love and could hardly get enough of each other, no one could ever tear us apart from each other. All of this seemed as if it happened a lifetime ago.

I was roaming around aimlessly without giving a look to where I was going, when I hit a hard wall. I realized that it was not a hard wall but someone's chest. I had dropped my heels due to the impact so I bent to pick them up. "Sorry" I told the person without looking up. "It's okay" the voice said and I found it really familiar. I looked up and saw that it was my ex husband that I had bumped into. Recognition flashed in his eyes as well. We both kept on looking into each others eyes and I have butterflies in my stomach like I used to have whenever we used to go out on dates. Suddenly something flashed in his eyes and his face turned emotionless. He broke our eye contact and went on to jog towards his house. I kept on looking in the direction that he'd gone. It was around 11 in the morning and he was an early riser so it shocked me to see him jogging during this time, but since it must be vacation time for him, he must have slept in like he always did during holidays. Ringing on my phone snapped me out of my daze. I walked towards my babies and let the call go to voice mail since I knew at this time only Emily would have called me for a cup of coffee. I told my assistant to go back to work while I picked up both of my kids and went into the kitchen. I did not see Kai anywhere but I saw Emily making herself a cup of coffee. "Hey make one for me as well" I told her while I took two bananas and mashed them with yogurt. We decided to go up to her room since everyone else was working while us two were taking a break.  

We put some cartoon on for the kids and sit on the couch. "So I bumped into Austin today", I blurt out and she raises an eyebrow stating 'go on', "and nothing happened both of us did not realized who we were until I said sorry and then he went jogging away." I finished up. She took a sip of her coffee "Charllote  areyou okay though here right. I mean nothing is bothering you from being so close to Austin right?" , "What, of course I am fine being here. I have already moved on from him." I tell her but she raises her eye brows "Really?", "Fine trying to move on from him." "Okay I believe you. Whatever you say." she says and puts her cup down. Someone knocks on her door and comes in. Its basically Sebastian, so its my cue to leave. "I'll see you guys downstairs " I tell them and pick up my babies. I close the door behind me knowing that they both must have started making out even when I was still in the room. A sly smirk make its way to my face. I make my way into Asher's kitchen knowing that he would require all the help that he could get because I can here utensils falling onto the ground and people coming out with weary faces.

I set my kids in their car seats and started helping Asher in the kitchen. While working I wonder that even after approximately 2 years from my divorce why can't I still seem to move on from Austin. Why does my heart still race when he is around or when I think of him. In order to get over him and move on I need to start seeing other people. So the next time Kai asks me out I will say yes to him.  Even though the thought of seeing someone else makes me uneasy but I realize that it has to be done.




Sorry for the late update. Please vote though. :)

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