Chapter 8

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Austin's POV :

Well right now I am at my parents house for a dinner. They live on the outskirts of the city and have their own mansion. My sister is back for the weekend from college and all of us, that is me my elder brother with his fiance and my sister are all here. I love my parents but god they are so nagging its like all of us are teenagers again.

It's been almost 2 weeks since all of us came back from LA and I cant stop thinking about Charllote and her kids. They just won't leave my mind. 

"So how was the trip? Did you guys like the planners and everything?" my mom asks. Me, Theo and Victoria look at each other sharing a look. "It was fine." Theo replies. He was never the kind of a talkative person. He would never interfere with anyone else's life, even if its his own family he will always prefer to be on the sidelines. "Yeah they were great and have a lot of experience. We have decided that if their work is really good in the wedding then we might consider hiring them for our wedding." Victoria added. Well this was new. I did not know this but I kept my face neutral so that my parents and sister don't get to know that something is wrong. Victoria and Theo have been engaged for about 2 years but both of them decided that they both first wanted to focus on their career but we just found out that Victoria is 2 months pregnant and they decided its time to finally settle down.

"Oh yeah"my mother clapped. "Finally I get my first grandchild after all this time. I thought my other one will give me but well, you know." You should know that my family really likes, more like loves Charllote even after what shes done to me. They did not believe me that she cheated on me. I did not tell anyone that she was pregnant. Since then my mother and sister are always trying to make me fell guilty for leaving her and dad does not say anything but he always looks at me as if I have done something wrong and have disappointed them. Well too bad for them cause I don't feel anything. I actually always feel relieved that I left that gold digging slut. And even though me and Ava are always just fooling and she is a great stress reliever & I don't feel anything for her. But my mom is always nagging me about her. They never really liked Ava and when they found out about us, they did not take it well.

"Speaking of you, Austin how is everything? How is Ava?" she asks in a sarcastic way. "She is fine. She is actually in Milan for the fashion week, and had asked me to invite all of you to dinner at her parents house next weekend." "Oh like we would go anywhere with her. She is just using us and our reputation. And let me tell you Austin if you plan on marrying her or anything, count us out because I don't want to even be seen with her in public." my mother raises her voice, which makes me really angry "Oh what the hell mom, shes the only one who was there for me and who made me see the truth about everything and still you don't like her" I start defending her. "Oh please made you see the truth. It was just a bunch of lies. She is so pathetic and you are just too blind to see it."my mom yells at me. Ok wow I did not know my mom thought so low of me. I look over too dad for some help but he is too busy eating the chicken. "Ok so if you love Charllote so much why don't you go to her." I yell at her. "I want to but you made it so damn difficult for us to find her." she pushes her plate away in frustration and anger. I wanted to tell her that her precious Charllote is perfectly happy with that bastards kids in that Kai guy's arms. The thought of her being in his arms makes my heart clench. But after the party me and Ava were talking that she was probably using that Kai guy just like she used me. Well it'll be a good lesson for him not to trust girls like her for the future. I am pretty sure that all that innocence and goodness that she showed was for show so that we would all get wrapped up in her finger. The sooner my parents and sister know the truth about her the better.

Me and mom were glaring at each other when my sister decide to butt in. "Okay you two need to stop. This always happens at family dinners. Austin you are my brother but I am sorry mom's right. You are too blind to see the truth and are living on lies which that bitch Ava is feeding you. And before I forget Austin I am sorry. Mom I need to tell you something. When Austin and Charllote got divorced she was pregnant but according to Austin the baby wasn't his."

Okay thats not god. I look at my mother who is trying to process this information. Dad has also gotten up after hearing this and is staring at me. Everyone has stopped eating. "Austin is this true?"my father asks carefully. I just nod because I know my mother is going to explode any moment now. "SHE WAS PREGNANT" my mother yells at me. "Austin what the hell did you do!" my father speaks for the first time about Charllote after our divorce. "Did you hear Steve? We have a granchild we did not know about. What else did Austin made the poor girl go through. We raised you to be better than this." my mother starts crying and screaming at me. "Well it wasn't mine okay, she cheated on me for the billionth time." I start defending my self but my mother comes towards me slaps me. So I just shut my mouth and look down. "I think dinner is over and everyone should leave" my father states his voice eerily calm but expression says that he is very disappointed in me . I am the first one to leave because I know then Theo and Victoria would want to talk and I am really not in the mood. I grab my coat and get into my Ferrari 488GTB are start driving back to my place. I am thankful that Victoria has not yet told Violet that we met her or that she is the wedding planner or about her kids and their 1st birthday because if she would have then I am pretty sure that mom would have gone crazy about missing their first birthday party and my parents would have definitely been even more hysterical. 

I reached home which was the same penthouse in which me and Charllote lived but I had it redecorated because then everything else in the apartment reminded me of her. God I cant stop thinking about her. Is mom right about her. Am I really that pathetic her. Did I really disown my kids.



Austin's Parents Home

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