1| Party crasher.

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•A/N: Hey there! So this is my first book I'm writing and I can tell you, I'm pretty excited to write it. I want to make a few things clear before I start. Please read, because it will help you through the story and to understand my logic.

- I do NOT own the storyline nor the characters from the show. I only own Scarlett Griffin and her storyline.
(I'm not gonna tell this every chapter, don't worry).

- The authors notes are in BOLD writing.

- Flashbacks are written in ITALICS.
I'm not going to write flashback above the flashback so when you see it written like that, you know it's a flashback.

- If there are any misspellings and typos please tell me.

- English is not my first laguage! I'm Dutch.

I hope you'll enjoy this book and if you know you gonna hate it and leave hate comments, please, don't waste my or your time on it. It's bullshit. To all the awesome readers: Thanks for reading my book! It really means a lot and I love you for supporting me. Credits to you x

Song: Radioactive by Imagine Dragons.


Four months.

Four months she's been locked up because she gave herself in for murder and knowing the thing her father got floated for. Knowing that The Ark was dying.

You see, she is a mechanic that was working on the drop ship so she knew what was going to happen.

"Can I speak to my mom?"

She had no emotion on her face. She hid her bloodied hands in the pockets of her jacket even though it was no use, she was going to turn herself in.

The guard nodded and let her through. She looked around the operation room and spotted her mom standing in the far left corner, bending over a table.

That's when she broke down.

"M-mom" She sobbed. Abby looked up from her work, suprised that her daughter was in here and probably even more suprised that she was crying. She never cried.

"Honey, What's wrong?" Abby asked her daughter while she rushed over to her. Scarlett let her hands fall out of her pockets and she looked down.

"I killed h-him."

Abby looked her crying daughter straight in the eyes, emotions on her face flashing, but she kept calm.


"He floated dad, he pushed the button."

Scarlett her hands were shaking but she didn't try to stop them at all. She did stop sobbing but the tears were still streaming down her face and she knew she scared the hell out of her mother with the blank expression she had on her face.

"I'm going to turn myself in, Mom, I know that all the prisoners are going to the ground. I can't let Clarke go on her own and I can't be here anymore." She told her honestly, where was the point in lying? All Scarlett wants is that her plan is going to work.

She looked at her mother who shook her head but Abby knew it was the right thing her daughter could do.

"I love you, Honey, promise me you'll survive."

"I can't promise that, you know that. I love you, mom. May we meet again."

They hugged each other and Scarlett felt her mother cry. She couldn't bare to look her in the eyes. She would break down again. She needed to stay strong. For her, her dad and her sister.

The Ground | Bellamy Blake [1]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora