2| Let's not follow the rules.

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•A/N: Nothing important to say... Thank you for the first vote ever on this book, LOVETHEMWEIRDOS !!

Song: Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Lorde.


Scarlett her plan was crushed when Wells asked her to search on the roof for any damage.

"How are you holding up here, Blue?"

"Great." She told Finn sarcasticly. "I mean, this, I can't fix and I'm being electrocuted every damn second."

"Since when can the oh so great mechanic not fix this?"

"Since there's nothing on earth I can fix it with and the panels that where up here did boom and burned when we landed here and the heat fried the wires."


"Yeah, oh... I'm not gonna do this. Screw Chancellor boy."

The irritated blonde sat on the edge of the roof and let her legs dangle down. She really wanted to do something stupid, again, she had the biggest urge to do something stupid the whole time.

"Watch." Finn pointed out to the two boys arguing. It didn't look like a friendly exchange.

"Look at this, everybody... The Chancellor of Earth." One boy called out to Wells who she reconized as John Murphy.

"Think that's funny?" Wells shot back.

"Chancellor kid is really stupid." Scarlett mutterd more to herself but Finn heard it.

"He is." He commented, watching the scene happening underneath them.

Murphy kicked Wells on his leg or ankle, Scarlett couldn't really tell but she knew she needed to stop this no matter how much she would like to watch this. She stopped listening to their conversation and she jumped down, precisely between Murphy and Wells.

"Chancellor kid's got one leg. How about you wait untill it's a fair fight." The mechanic told Murphy who took a step back but he returned her remark with a playfull smirk. She returned it and stood beside him.

"Hello, Beautiful." Murphy started but the blonde just rolled her eyes.

"Hello, John." She answerd back but he didn't comment back, to focused on her body. "I know you're checking me out."

"Good." Murphy mumbled, still with the smirk plastered on his face. She rolled her eyes and walked over to Wells.

"Communaction system is dead. There's no way I can fix it. Some panels are missing and the wires are fried because of the heat." She told him and he sighed.

"Okay, thanks." He answered back. She gave him a nod and she made her way towards Octavia and Bellamy.

"Hey, guys. What are you up to?"

"I'm joining Mount Weather party." Octavia answered as she walked away. Bellamy was about to follow her but the blonde stopped him.

"How did you know my name?"

"Everybody does, Scar." He pointed out. Of course they do. She sighed and nodded, following Bellamy as he made his way towards Octavia.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?" Bellamy asked his sister.

"She just told us, genius." Scarlett pointed out. "She's going for a walk, let her. She's been locked up her whole life, I think she deserves it."

Octavia gave her a thankful nod and looked towards Bellamy.

He sighed, knowing the Griffin girl was right. "Go on." He told her with a small smile. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and the blonde standing next to him a hug.

The Ground | Bellamy Blake [1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang