6| Fucked up true words.

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• A/N: Hey guys! I'm back! I had an amazing time in Berlin and got a lot closer to some classmates of mine. I may or may not have crush on someone... Well, shit. Let's move to the update where you've all, hopefully, have been waiting for!


Jasper's moaning started to work on everyone's nerves. Muprhy blamed him for his bad aiming and was ready to kill him, for sure.

On the other hand, Scarlett was quite. She sat in a corner, beside Monty, while she watched Jasper stirring and wiggeling in his sleep.

She woke up a hour ago or so and has been watching him since then. She was worried about him, she lost hope for him. She felt guilty that he was the one who was dying. He didn't deserve it, nobody did. Not even Murphy, that, she admitted to herself.

"Scar, I need to look at your wound. Is thay okay?" Clarke asked, sitting beside her. The mechanic nodded, laying down on the ground. She flinched when she felt the cold tickeling her back but she didn't lay down.

Her shirt was ruined when the animal clawed her stomach and the remaining has been used as bandage for Jasper and herself.

"Is Jasper going to be okay?" She asked her sister.

"Honestly? I don't know. I keep hoping though." She answered back while inspecting the wound.

"Me too, me too." Scarlett said, letting her guard down for a moment.

"Your wound is looking good. I'll say you can, carefully, start walking. Just don't rip the stitches, you'll be okay." Clarke finished and put a new bandage around her middle.

"Thanks, sis. I'll be outside if you need me. Gonna look if Blake needs help."

Scarlett climbed down the ladder, ignoring the pain in her stomach. She heard Clarke talking to herself, checking up on Jasper now.

Delinquints yelled for Jasper to shut up. Normally, Scarlett would've done something but she was to focused on her walking.

"Hey, Scar!" Finn yelled, running to her side. "You okay? You look tired."

"Finn, I'm fine. I just need some sleep." She answered back, not noticing where she was going.

"Why are you walking towards Bellamy's tent?" Finn asked again.

"I need a tent." Was all she said before she entered, finding Bellamy sitting on his bed, hands in his hair. "Bellamy? Are you okay?" She asked, making Bellamy jump.

"Oh, it's you." He said, once he saw the mechanic standing in his tent.

"What a fucking warm welcome." Scarlett rolled her eyes and sat down beside him. "But I need a tent." She continued.

"I'll see what I can do tomorrow."

"Yeah, okay, where the fuck can I sleep now?"


Scarlett was shocked by his answer but she nodded.


She laid down and closed her eyes, not noticing Bellamy his eyes on her.

The next morning, Scarlett stood with Bellamy and Murphy by a tree. At this momemt they were watching Murphy failing to throw a knife in the trunk of a tree.

"That damn kid, always messing with my head." Murphy murmered angrily when Jasper's moans filled the air once more.

"Nah, you just suck." Scarlett commented, recieving a glare from Murphy and a snort from Bellamy.

"He's not gonna last much longer. Better think of a new excuse." Bellamy pointed out, throwing his axe in the tree. It stuck. "That's how it'a done."

"Better think before you say something like that." Scarlett told him, taking a make shift knife from the trunk she sat on a while ago, also sparring her own knife. She threw it but missed the first two trees.

"You missed." Bellamy pointed out with a smirk and Murphy let out a laugh.

"Look better." Was all she said and she walked away. The two boys looked at the third tree and saw the knife stick into a bird on the trunk of the tree.

"Damn." Murphy whispered.

Scarlett climbed up the ladder, finding Wells, Clarke and Finn standing beside Jasper and Monty still working on the wristbands.

"How's he doing?" She asked, standing beside Finn.

"Not good. We need to find medicine and fast." Clarke answered. "We need to hold him down, I have to cut the infected flesh away."

"I'm not gonna like this, am I?" Monty said, watching Jasper.

"If you like the smell of burned flesh, you'll like it." Scarlett muttered, holding Jasper down by his legs.

Clarke starts to cut away the infected flesh and Jasper let out a loud scream.

Moments laters, Octavia came rushing up the ladder, looking panicked.

"Stop it! You're killing him." She yelled, causing Clarke to stop cutting and Finn to speak up.

"She's trying to save his life."

Bellamy joins the conversations, speaking the words everyone in this room was afraid to say or think.

"She can't." He told Finn. Scarlett looked at Bellamy and shook her head, partly knowing it was true but she didn't want to give in.

"Back off." Wells said, his face on storm while his stood in front of Bellamy.

"We didn't drag him through miles of woods just to let him die." Clarke argued. Scaelett wanted to join in but, ofcourse, she didn't get the change to.

"Kid's a goner. If you can't see that, you are deluded. He's making people crazy."

"Sorry if Jasper is an inconvenience to you, but this isn't the Ark. Down here, every life matters."

"We can't keep on denying, Clarke." Scarlett butted in, her sister looked suprised. Even though she acted though, Scarlett always cared for people and their lives. It shocked her that she was agreeing with Bellamy. "Take a look at him." She said, gesturing to Jasper who layed pale and sweaty on the table, looking almost dead.

"He's a lost cause." Bellamy finished. Words a little harder but kind of true. Scarlett let go of Jasper his ankles and stood beside Bellamy, getting the feeling she had to leave after this argument.

Calrke turned to Octavia, who still looked panicked.

"Octavia, I spent my whole life watching my mother heal people. If I say there is hope, there is hope." Octavia nodded slightly and Scarlett felt a small pang go through her when her mother was mentioned but she shrugged it away, not needing any weakness.

"This isn't about hope, this is about guts." Bellamy started but Scarlett heard enough. She made, again, her way downstairs and outside. She climbed up a tree and sat on a tick branch.

Bellamy was right but also not. You need hope and guts, both. Hard descisons needed to be made down here, she felt it. This was just a small thing what was about to come.

Finally after debating with herself, the mechanic realised something.

To be strong, you needed to be hard. Your weakness make you stronger, you mistakes make your harder.


Hey guys, again, sorry for the late update. When I got home I saw the views on this book and it made me smile. We got over a 100 views guys! Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me.

Hope you enjoyed, and I'll try my best to make bigger chapters.

(The gif takes place in the tent scene!)


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