Chapter 6

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My first couple days at home were hectic. It seemed like every resident of the town wanted to see me and ask how I was doing. They all wanted to know why I left, to which I didn’t respond. I knew they’d find out eventually but I didn’t want to take the chance of one of them telling Cayden before I got the chance to. Due to this, my guilt grew on a daily basis. I was lying to everyone, all the people I grew up with or had been friends with. I was lying to every one of them and I hated it.

In the first week I was home, most of my time was spent at the hospital with my dad. I knew he was still in the coma and he wasn’t coming out of it anytime soon, but I needed to be with him to convince myself that he really was okay. I’d sit in the chair next to his bed, talking to him and telling him about my life over the past three years.

“You should see Cain and Asher, Daddy. They’re so big now and they’re developing their own personalities so it’s easier for other people to tell them apart. They look just like Cayden, Dad. It’s hard to look at them sometimes. They make me think about Cayden and I don’t like that. I miss him Daddy. I miss him a lot and I hate that. I hate that I still want him around and I wish he were here to help me through this situation with you. No matter how hard I try to convince myself that he hurt me and I shouldn’t think about him, I can’t follow my own advice. To make matters worse, I have to see him soon. I don’t know where he’s at but I have to find him and tell him about the boys. They deserve to know each other, no matter how hard it’s going to be for me,” I said, looking at Daddy’s emotionless face as I clutched onto his hand.

“You’ll be okay, little one. You’re strong and I know you can make it through telling Cayden,” a new voice said, making my head snap up to see the new arrival.

Easton was standing in the doorway, watching me. He walked closer once he saw I was aware of his presence. I gave him a small smile, appreciating his confidence in me, but it didn’t surprise me. All my life, it had always been Easton encouraging me to do whatever it was that I wanted to do. Everyone else would encourage me, too, but I always knew that Easton was my biggest supporter.

“Thank you,” I said softly as my brother occupied the chair next to me.

“You’re my baby sister, Kenz, I’m always here for you,” he responded, his smile still on his face.

I smiled at him and turned back to Daddy, staring at his face, wishing he were awake.

“Hello Dad. I know things weren’t that great between us when you had your accident but I promise I’ll stop acting like an ass. I had no right to yell at you like that and you have no idea how sorry I am for what I did. You have to believe me, Dad,” Easton said after a minute, staring at Dad.

I looked at him curiously, wondering what he was talking about. His face was full of regret and sadness. I could tell something was weighing on his mind and he needed to talk to Dad and tell him exactly what he was telling him. I stayed quiet, letting Easton say what he had to say. I’d question him about it later. Easton continued talking to Dad and I zoned out. I didn’t understand what he was talking about and I didn’t want to confuse myself by trying to figure it out so I lost myself in my thoughts of my sons. I had a picture in my head of the boys playing in the front yard with Cayden and I couldn’t believe how much I wanted that daydream to come true. I wanted my sons to know that their Daddy loves them and will be there for them.

“Makenzi? Little one, snap out of it,” Easton said, snapping his fingers in my face.

I jumped back, startled, before turning to my brother.

“Do you want to have lunch with me? I have a couple hours before I have to be at work and I haven’t spent that much time with you,” he said, giving me a hopeful smile.

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