Chapter 17

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The next three months passed by in a whirlwind. There was so much stuff that happened but it was hard to distinguish one event from the next due to the fact that everything seemed to blend together. My birthday came and went and I was now twenty years old. It was weird because I felt so much older at times that it was ridiculous. Cannon was trying to get back in everyone’s good graces. Mom gave in first. We all knew she would. He was her first child, her baby, and she jumped at the chance to have him in her life again. Due to this, Dad let him back in. He knew it would make Mom happy and Daddy would do anything to make Mom happy. Rox let him in not long after. She didn’t have much choice. She still lived with Mom and Daddy and that’s where Cannon was staying. She had to make up with him unless she wanted to be completely miserable the entire time she was home. Talon and Easton were slowly letting him back in, but they were taking tiny baby steps. I, on the other hand, avoided him at all costs. When he was there when I was visiting Daddy, I’d completely ignore the fact that he was there. It may sound childish, but he hurt me and made me really mad. It wasn’t something I was going to forget anytime soon.

Daddy was recovering at a remarkable speed. The doctors were all amazed that he was recovering as fast as he was. He had to do physical therapy, which he didn’t like, but it was helping him. He had it for a few hours a day. He was starting to get back into the company, too. Emily and Trent had gotten back home and Trent was now consulting Daddy on the new cases. Daddy could only do behind the scenes work at the moment, but he was happy to be getting back to his company.

Cayden and I had told his parents about our sons. I cringed slightly every time I thought about that day. Trent and Emily have always been good to me, ever since I was a baby. When we sat them down in Tristan’s living room, they were wary. They didn’t know what to expect. I let Cayden tell them, he was so excited. The boys were playing upstairs in Cayden’s room. Tristan was with them to make sure they didn’t end up hurting themselves. I sat beside Cayden as he told his parents that he was a father. They were upset at first, mainly towards me, until Cayden assured them that he was happy to have his sons now and he wouldn’t change it for the world.

Once the shock wore off, Trent and Emily wanted to see their grandsons. Smiling, I walked upstairs to get them. When I opened the door, Tristan was on the floor with my sons. Cain was playing with his toy trucks and Asher was throwing a ball to Tristan. When he saw me in the doorway, Tristan looked up and smiled.

“Everything okay?” he asked, concerned.

“Yeah. They want to see the boys,” I answered, reaching down to grab Asher and settling him on my hip.

“I knew they’d be okay with it. Mom’s been pestering me to give her grandkids for a while,” he commented with a laugh.

“I don’t doubt that,” I replied, grabbing Cain and settling him on my other hip.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, Cayden was waiting for me, reaching out to take one of the boys. Asher reached for him so he scooped him up and settled him on his own hip. Emily and Trent went wild at the sight of the boys. They kept saying that they were adorable and looked just like Cayden. I smiled, agreeing with them. It felt wonderful to know that my sons had so many people that loved them and would always be there for them.

Not long after we told his parents, Cayden had to leave. He was still in college and his classes were starting soon. Plus, he was on the football team and he had to get back for practice. He should have been there for practice all summer but his coach let him off the hook once Cayden explained the situation to him. Cayden wasn’t thrilled to leave, seeing as how his school was a three hours’ drive and he had classes and practice all week so he could only come back on the weekends. He texted me constantly, asking about the boys. He video-called a few times a day so he could see our babies. I sent him videos of the boys saying hi or saying they loved him, knowing he’d like them. I knew I couldn’t get too close to him but I was finding it extremely difficult to keep my distance. I had to, though. I couldn’t let him hurt me again.

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