Chapter 29

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I'd just like to thank ForeverandAlwaysx3 for the new book cover. I love it!


Cayden’s POV

“Dude, calm down. I’m sure she’s okay. She’s with Cannon. You know he won’t let anything happen to her,” Kasper assured me as I paced the room, Cain falling asleep in my arms.

“I know he won’t, but I can’t help but worry. I love her and this guy is a psycho. For all I know, he’s there now,” I said, gently rubbing my son’s back to try and get him to sleep.

“Don’t do this man. You’re just going to freak yourself out,” James advised from his spot on the couch. Asher was laid across his lap, fast asleep.

“Yeah, yeah I know. James, will you help me put them to bed?” I asked, noticing that Cain was finally asleep.

“Sure,” he answered, carefully getting up and scooping Asher into his arms.

We tucked the boys in and I kissed their foreheads before we walked back into the living room to play Black Ops. Everything had been so crazy lately with the whole Dylan situation that I hadn’t had much time to hang out with my boys.

“So I hear you got a tattoo,” Kasper said as he turned the Xbox 360 on.

“Two actually,” James added, picking up a controller.

“Yeah. I decided to get it the other day when Liam, Tristan, and I took the boys out for the day. Since it’s my sons’ names, I let them pick the font. They had no idea what they were doing, of course, but I still wanted them to pick it,” I answered, picking up my own controller.

It was quiet for a couple seconds before Kasper finally spoke.

“Well?” he asked, staring at me like I had three heads.

“Well what?” I asked, raising my eyebrows at him.

“Are you going to show us or not?” he asked.

I grinned before standing up and pulling my shirt over my head. Asher’s name was facing them so I let them see that one before turning around to show them Cain’s name. I looked down at the ink on my sides and felt a sense of pride well up in me as I thought about the little boys that the names belonged to. I pulled my shirt down and sat back down on the couch, resuming the game.

“Yeah! Take that! I win!” Kasper yelled thirty minutes later as the game ended and he won by a landslide.

“Shut the hell up Kasper! Don’t wake the boys up,” I scolded, reaching out and punching him on the arm.

“Damn man, you don’t have to get so aggressive,” he said as he rubbed his arm in the spot I had punched.

I was about to retort when the sound of my phone ringing filled the room. I checked my pockets, but it wasn’t there, so I searched around the room for it. I finally found it on the kitchen counter and picked it up, seeing Tristan’s name flash across the screen. I pressed the green button just before the call was sent to voicemail.

“What’s up Trist? Everything okay?” I asked. Tristan was supposed to be away for the weekend with Roxy and a few other friends. Their friends planned a camping trip a few hours away from home and Tristan and Roxy decided to go.

“Not really. You may want to get home as soon as you can,” he said and I instantly knew something bad had happened.

“What happened Tristan?” I asked, dreading the answer.

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