Chapter 14

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Her eyes slid towards the new email window that popped at the bottom right of the screen.

Roy, Purab

She curiously clicked on the bubble and opened the mail.

Purab: Hi!

She typed out a quick hi and got back to work. It wasn't long before she got:

Purab: I'm bored.

Aditi: How come?

Purab: My phone died out and I have a pile of editing work to be done. So I thought I'd email you side by side.

Aditi: Good plan! :P

Purab: Do you have a drink anywhere near you?

She looked at her energy drink carton oddly and sent:

Aditi: Uh yeah...why?

Purab: To play "Never have I ever" of course!

Aditi: We're going to play "Never have I ever" over email?

Purab: Hardly difficult, don't you think?

Aditi nodded absently and typed:

Aditi: Okay, shoot.

Purab: know the rules right? First one to get the other to finish the drink wins.

Aditi: Wins what?

Purab: The next date.

Aditi: Dates don't always have to be earned, you know...

Purab: Are you asking me out?

Purab: :)

Aditi: Lol! I'm stating facts. Although I would like to take you out too. Hard to top the guitar playing location though. I'll try nevertheless.

Purab: I can't wait.

Aditi: Question?

Purab: Right!

Purab: Never have I ever...had a pet name.

Aditi: What??? You're kidding!

Purab: Lol no I'm not. I've been Purab all my life. Unless you count an ex who called me Roy Boy for a while.


Purab: Stop it.


Purab: Oh come on!

Purab: Lol

Purab: Drink up. I'm sure you have a pet name.

Aditi sobered up and like a flash, her mind went to a mischievous voice calling her "turtle." She then shook her head to focus and wrote:

Aditi: LOL! Yes I've been called Adi all my life.

Purab: I win! Okay your turn.

Aditi: Never have I ever...been to Goa.

Purab: *Takes sip and spits it out comically in utter disbelief*

Aditi: I know.

Purab: I'm in Goa right now.

Aditi: That is an odd coincidence. What are you doing there?

Purab: A shoot.

Aditi: You lead a fancier life than I.

Purab: Lol. Okay my turn. Never have I ever...been asked out by someone of the opposite sex.

Aditi: Same.

Purab: WHAT?

Purab: You're joking.

Aditi: No really.

Purab: You lie!

Aditi: Lol. I've either asked them out or have been set up.

Purab: We'll need to break this pattern soon.

Aditi stared at the screen oddly wondering about the depth of that last email. She shrugged off that feeling and typed:

Aditi: Okay my turn...Never have I ever...seen snow.

Purab: You haven't really lived much, have you? What do you do apart from work?

Aditi: Uh sleep. And eat my flatmate's delicious cooking.

Purab: Ah I'm jealous. I haven't had a home cooked meal in a while. I'm a lousy cook.

Aditi: Lol me too. I just know some great chefs. So life's good.

Purab: in plural?

Aditi remembered Adi and smiled. She then typed:

Aditi: My flatmate and her brother. He's in town for a bit.

Purab: Ah okay. So my turn?

Aditi: Go on.

Purab: Will you go out with me this Saturday?

Just then, her phone buzzed. She picked it up to read:

"Turtle, the semifinals are on in less than an hour. Join me? – A

Oh boy.

Author's Note: So...LOL! Aditi's world seems to be getting rather interesting. Tell me what you think and all. I must know whilst I do deep thinking for the next few chapters. I is waiting.:) - S    

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