Chapter 15

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She rushed down the stairs and swiped the access card to push the door open. Just as she was about to hail a cab, she heard a deep voice call out, "Adi..."

She blinked and turned around to see Adi leaning against a car with his hands in his pockets. She walked upto him slowly and took in his appearance. Unwillingly, she felt herself smile.

"You're not wearing black!"

He was dressed in a white shirt and black trousers as though he had just come back from work. He looked down at his shirt and looked up at her to flash a secretive smile. The smile seemed to say something more than a perfunctory greeting. She then pointed at the car and said, "You seem to have made up with the car though. It's black."

He chuckled, raised his hands in surrender and said, "Ah I had nothing to do with that. The cab company just knows what I like."

She laughed and neared him. She was now right in front of him. He opened the back door for her and stood, looking at her expectantly.

She then asked, "I forgot to ask a very important question."

He simply quirked up an eyebrow in response.

"What are you doing here?"

He smiled and said, "I was heading in the same direction. I thought I'd pick you up."

"And where are you coming from?"

He shook his head in exasperation and said, "Would you mind if I answered the questions after you got into the cab, Turtle?"

She stuck her tongue out at him and got into the cab. Unseen by her, he slowly ruffled his hair with a small smile and walked over to the other side to sit.

As the car set in motion, she looked at him and asked, "So where were you?"

His attention went to his phone as he answered, "Meeting."

She pointed at his shirt and asked, "Is that why you're wearing white?"

He looked sideways at her with a glint of mischief in his eyes and said, "I had my reasons, Adi."

She felt a rush of pleasure at that response. She then asked slyly, "How come you're calling me Adi all of a sudden?"

"You were the possessive one. I'm perfectly fine sharing my name."

She rolled her eyes and saw that the cab was headed in a different direction. She hurriedly noted aloud, "Wait you're going the wrong way. We need to head right, not left."

"Relax. This is the right way."

She pursed her lips and said dryly, "Yeah right. And I'm a princess. The rents of that area are stratospheric. Listen to me, it's a right for home."

"Who said we're going home?"

Author'sNote: hehe he! – S

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