Chapter 6- Encounter

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Soundwave looked upon the small human boy without emotion. It had been easy to kidnap him and knock him out, so there was no need to cage the organic. That had been the easy part. Arcee was already here, having picked up Ratchets attempt to contact her. He had quickly distorted the comlink waves, to prevent any intervention. Though he knew it take her some time to find them, she would. If her determination was anything like Solarlight's. He looked around the small cave. A small eroded hole in the limestone material allowed the last ray of sunlight to dimly light the interior. It cast am ambient mood around the small room, almost as though it was prepared for the very events it was about to host. There were two off-shoots, the one to his right, was where he had entered, the left, he didn't quite know were exactly it led too. Yet he had no time to contemplate such trivial matters.

He sighed. He looked over to his visor, which he had removed. It seemed more like a heavy weight when he wore it now. Yet, at the same time, he felt vulnerable without. Wearing it for all those years, only to find he could no longer shoulder the burden any more, made him feel suddenly weak. However, for some strange reason a part of his spark seemed to revel in it.

Light, quick footsteps shook him out of his reverie. She was here. His thoughts suddenly clashed. He had little idea of what to do...what to say- she was the problem, how do you deal with problems you wanted to be free of? His thoughts raced as to how he could tackle the upcoming situation....solve them...or... remove them from you destroy them...

His optics shone brightly as they had done, even when she had first seem them. The sight of his face still instilled a sense of shock in her, but this time, she held it back. She walked forward, as confidently as she could. The light cast a strange colour on her armour, lighting it almost as orange-blue like colour. Her optics flicked around the cave, and she saw Jack lying on the floor unmoving. She gasped, and stepped to walk over to him, only to find Soundwave block her path.

" Get. Out. Of. My. Way. Now." She seethed, raising her blasters. Soundwave's own optics narrowed.

"Not until I'm done with you. You can rest assured, he is unharmed, only knocked unconscious." But he voice betrayed the dangerous look in his optics. It was somewhat softer, and meek sounding.

" Then spit it out." She spat, keeping her blasters in place. Soundwave paused, and looked away. He had no idea as to how to even begin. He looked back to Arcee. Her face was the same determination he had seem before, now laced with a death threatening glare.

" I haven't got all day." She said icily.

" Since our have plagued my very processors see you in replace of other things that shouldn't be. My very memories of those I loved-"

"Hah. What do decepticons know of love?" She sneered. But his very voice, his words, although she managed to hide it, sent a chill into her spark. How on earth could she plagued his mind?

" More than you have ever known, I'm guessing." Soundwave hinted, looking coldly back at her ignorance. Her optics narrowed as he hit a bulls eye. She herself, have never experienced love, only close friendship. Soundwave continued.

" My very memories of those I loved...have been corrupted by you. I have of yet as to figure out why, but this persistent plague ends here."

" How in the all-spark could I have plagued you?!" Arcee challenged. He was making no sense.

" I had hoped, by bringing you here, I might find an answer. But the only answer before me, since I can not solve this riddle, to save myself, is to destroy you."

He suddenly struck her, sending her backwards, and followed it up with another strike hard across the face, leaving a small scratch below her left optic. She fell to the ground, desperately fighting the pain as her optics blurred in and out of focus. She heard Soundwave's footsteps come closer, and as she managed to focus again, her optics fell on Jack. I will not be destroyed. She suddenly stood up, sending a kick into his torso, damaging a laser beak, and followed with a punch to the face, and another punch- He grabbed her fist and quickly bent it back unnaturally, causing her to gasp in pain. She felt small energon veins within her wrist burst. His tentacles suddenly wrapped constricting her throat, disrupting the energon flow. She quickly felt light headed, but contesting the dilemma, she raised up her right arm, unsheathing the blade, and struck at his face. He released her as he stumbled back, shocked as energon dripped from the fresh slice diagonally across his face. His long fingers tenderly traced the wound. Arcee looked up, her queasiness slowly dissipating.

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