Chapter 12- Prisoners

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It hurt, not just physically, but emotionally. The one barrier removed by Arcee had returned, and Soundwave had never truly felt such a envelopment of silence such as this; it was unlike the respectful silent for his once spark mate Solarlight, it was more like a prison, with him chained away within a darkness that seemed endless. Megatron had ordered for his voice box to be disconnected, and his visor returned to its place. He had not even allowed the mech to have suffered the atrocities in stasis either. On examining the handiwork of the preposterous Knockout, he had concluded it may possible to repair his voice box, but knockout had fixed it so it was un accessible for him to attempt to repair it himself. His visor had been sealed on, and he was unsure if it could ever be removed.

Through the Cybertronians words of the Iacon database, he could see his smooth black visor. An empty blank void. No emotion. No reflection. No soul. He felt his spark cry out for Arcee. If she broke it once, she could break it again. Was she still online? The glimpse of her wounds he had seen in the recordings had not looked too severe. He felt anger grow towards Megatron, but then turned it to himself. How could he have been so careless? Now he was just another pawn in Megatron's war game, and he feared he had also dragged Arcee closer into it's more dangerous territories. Another thought considered the events, and its conclusion was painful.

With what happened...would she think I've betrayed her? The thought brought a deep sadness to his spark. If only he had realised sooner, he could have warned her. He would never have disclosed the information, not so soon anyway.

The doors opened with the familiar hiss that announced Megatron's arrival. Soundwave did not even turn around or acknowledge him. Most of the time, he never would have anyway, but Megatron was no longer on somewhat equal terms with him as before; Soundwave was nothing more than a silent slave.

"Soundwave, What is your progress on the Iacon database?" He spoke commandingly. Rather than a usual tone of voice, he made it clear who was the master here. Soundwave ignored him and continued to work as he had always done before.

"It is good to have the same old silent mech back." Megatron smirked. Soundwave felt the words eat at his processor, but he kept decoding. Megatron sensed his anguish, and decided to see how far he could push it.

" Guards shall escort everywhere on this ship, and Your energon rations will be reduced to that of mere sustenance."

Soundwave found it hard to focus.

" As well, no one other than me is to communicate with you. Of course, I can't sever such ties so completely." Megatron spoke, with hands beside his back, as he walked towards the door. Soundwave managed to keep his pose, but inside he was eager to hear what exactly this act of leniency entailed.

" Once we capture Arcee, I'm sure you will be a lot more than willing to return the mech you once were; at the cost of her spark if you refuse."

Soundwave waited a few minutes after Megatron had left the room, and suddenly slammed his fists on the keyboard, shattering the glass. If he has his voice, he would shouted in anger. how dare you...I will never let you hurt Arcee. That, I promise with my own spark. He swore, recomposing himself. He had to escape. He would not be a prisoner of Megatron, and here, if Arcee found herself in danger, he would not be there to protect her. He knew megatron was no fool. The amount of guards he would have posted, none as superior to him in fighting skills, could easily overwhelm him with there numbers. He needed an opening, and as he checked the clock, that opening was fast approaching.

He switched the monitor to it's screensaver mode, and waited as two Vehicons entered with there weapons raised.

He needed no prompting as to what to do. He would be surrounded by six Vehicons, each with the weapons at the ready. One would be infont, four by his side, and one at the back. Off course, along the way, more guards were posted along the route to his new quarters- a prison cell. He quickly fell into line, and proceeded to casually follow his part in the procession. He followed the route he had made once already that morning in mind, and he found the next crossroads was his best access to the ground bridge, and the only way off the ship. Silence followed the procession, all but the footsteps of their feet could be heard. They were getting closer as they turned around the corner, and the very crossroad he was looking for appeared. All he had to do was time it perfectly....

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