True Self

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"Mayank, are you sure?" Nidhi asked nervously while getting out of the car.

"Of course. I have full faith on you." He smiled warmly.

"Mine.. was just a small business. Yours is a brand itself."

"You know what was the basic idea? I just wanted to design some jewelry for my mother. So I did. It's all about the art, and you understand it. Besides, I pay good amount of salaries to my employees to manage my business." He explained.

She took a deep breath "Okay, then!" and grabbed his hand.
He was amused but didn't protest and lead the way.

She was amazed by the interiors of the magnificent building. It was just as beautiful as any of their design!

After a long walk and all the greetings by his employees they reached a door.
"This is my cabin, or yours for the time being." He proudly announced while opening the door.
The cabin itself was no less than a king's personal room.

"Good morning sir. I hope you are in good health." A grey haired man greeted them.

"Good morning, Mr. Mehta. Well, not yet. That's why we have Nidhi here." Mayank introduced her while shaking hands with him.

"Of course, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Sunil Mehta, Mr. Sharma's manager, at your service from now." The man smiled politely.

"Thank you, it's nice to meet you too." She said.

"Let's take a tour then?" Mr. Mehta asked.

"100%!" She clapped happily and Mayank chuckled.

"Come." He said while pulling her, followed by Mr. Mehta.


"You came back!" Gautam said in excitement, the moment he opened the door.

Sneha rolled her eyes and shoved a paper on his face.
He frowned but eased when he read the letter. It was same as his, about the Inspector's visit.

"Done? Now step aside." She said pushing him aside without waiting for his reply.
"Maria!" She yelled.

"I fired her." He informed, who was still standing on the door with his hands in his pocket now.

'He looks damn hot!' Sneha thought. "Why?" She managed somehow.

"Because....She made a pass on me."

"What the fuck?" She shouted a little louder than necessary.

"Ah.. my love is jealous." He said with a smirk.

"Don't call me that! No I'm not, I'm just amazed that a maid made a pass on you. You are that desperate? Disgusting!" She replied with a wit.

"Honey, I'm only desperate for you. I'm very much capable of throwing you on the bed or rip all your clothes here and now. But, I want to gain your trust and love, so I'll behave." He said with a sweet genuine smile and approached her. "As much as I want to stay, unfortunately I have to leave, baby. A man needs to earn a living." He kissed her head and left.

"Manipulative jerk!" She said when she was left alone.


"Avinash?" Mrs. Zia called, after the fateful night, he insisted on calling him with his name instead of Mr. Singhania.
She was reluctant but agreed.

"Yes?" He said while raising his eyes from his iPad.

"Riddhima, forgot her cell phone today on the kitchen table. She already received two miss calls from a private number and.." Mrs. Zia turned the blinking screen to him, which was a private number again.

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