Chapter Eleven

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"Love never fails, people fail on love." Unknown

"Your breakfast is ready, madam."

A sweet aroma accompanied the announcement. Perli inhaled the sweetness with a deep breath. Excited, she smiled like a child to the grinning Maggie. She then followed Maggie to the dining room, where a crystal chandelier hovered over an elegant russet dining table. Her gaze fell on the table, and she almost salivated at the food on it. Opening her mouth to speak had produced no words. She failed to think of anything to say.

"Just the way you like it, ma'am." Maggie smiled, feeling pleased by her reaction.

"Ah, Ma G," Perli called lovingly. "Firstly, ngiyabonga." She expressed her gratitude with a little bow of the head. "You didn't have to cook all this."

Maggie's smile lengthened, dancing on her lips like a firefly. She knew she didn't have to cook that much, but the smile on the younger woman's face every time was something she looked forward to.

"Secondly," Perli continued, tilting her head, "we have talked about this. This Mrs Onel, ma'am and madam thing is way too formal. See, I call you Ma G so lovingly, so find some cool nicknames for me too. If you can't, Jaki or Perli will do."

A chuckle escaped through Maggie's lips. She nodded.

"Besides, you know I have high regard and respect for you. Soo," Perli sang her last word. "Wena, mama." She pointed at Maggie. "Can khuluma to and address mina." She pointed at herself. "Anyhow. I really don't mind."

Maggie laughed at Perli's mixture of two languages. It was something the young lady loved doing and it always amused her. She looked at Perli. She knew she was expecting some sort of response from her. So, like a bubble head, she wiggled her head to show understanding.

Perli grinned at her gesture, then dragged a chair from the table, leaving an echoing screech in the room. She sat down and stretched her arms quickly as one preparing for war. It was time to dive into an ocean of food. Her attention turned to the door; her neck stretched forward to check if Matthew was coming.

"Err, Maggie," she called out to Maggie, who was about to leave the room, "may you please check if my guest is up yet?"

"Sure thing, Jaki." Maggi nodded. Turning to leave, she suddenly stopped and frowned.

Perli raised her brow at her, questioning the sudden halt in her movement. "Is there a problem?" she further verbalized her curiosity.

Maggie shook her head. "Just..." She looked at Perli with her eyes narrowed and brows drawn together. "I thought I should tell you this," she let out a soft sigh, shaking her head again but this time in disapproval. "That sweater you're wearing is really not doing you any favours."

Perli choked down on her own saliva as she burst out with a laugh. She hit her chest, trying to clear her windpipe. "Maggie, you though..." she managed to say in between coughing.

She knew Maggie's statement was meant for a tease. The older woman was trying to hint at something. Looking down at the oversized sweater, Perli smiled. It wasn't hers in the first place; hence, she looked like a little girl dressing in her father's clothing. She hugged herself; secretly, she wore the sweater because she loved the scent it produced. Jack's favourite cologne.

"You did say I could speak to you anyhow," Maggie reminded with a shrug.

Perli shook her head. With amusement, she watched Maggie walk out of the room and disappear down the corridor. She laughed to herself. Maggie had a sense of humour that she had grown fond of. The older woman didn't look a day beyond fifty, and neither did she sound like her age whenever she cracked witty jokes. In fact, she had the most beautiful skin; a shade of carob that was flawless, even without makeup. Then there were her eyes, nut brown and round, which held the most loving and gentle gazes. Perli had never met a woman so kind and the more time she spent with her, the more she understood Jack's fondness of the older woman.

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