Chapter Thirty-two

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"Love makes all things easy."

He saw him standing over her, his one foot pressing down against her chest while his hand holding onto a belt threatened to hit her on her face. He, tied down to a chair, was forced to watch the horror which unfolded itself in front of his eyes... Then there was a scream for help at every grunting, swearing a swinging of the belt....

"Are you listening?"

Jack nodded absentmindedly at the conversation they seemed to have been having for almost an hour. Days later, he was still thinking about his nightmare.

He wiped off the invisible sweat that felt to be tickling at the side of his face. It was still early in the morning and the usually busy city was slowly coming to life. Unwillingly, he yawned. He could feel bags building up under his eyes, which almost left him collapsing off the chair he had been sitting on.

It felt like it had been ages since he last had a proper sleep, without the need for his sleeping pills.

Tiredly, he yawned again, partially listening to David blubbering on and on about something that he still hadn't managed to catch on to. Leaning against his chair and placing his elbow on its arm, his face failed to hide the boredom he had begun to feel. He tried to play his usual role of a listener; however, it failed to work this time around. He needed to say something, anything that would have wiped the tiredness off him.

David paused from his speech to study his face; he raised his brow at his facial expression. "I'm boring you, aren't I?" he questioned playfully, with a little chuckle.

Jack shook his head, running his hand over his face. "I'm a bit exhausted," he confessed, his voice as dead as the look on his face.

"You need a bed," David laughed, slowly rocking on the chair he had been sitting on.

"No, I need a holiday," Jack corrected, admiring the thought of that in his head. He had never had a proper holiday; even when he did have one, some sort of work always had to pop up.

David nodded in agreement with him, "You do need a holiday. You should take time off, maybe a week or two?"

He took a few seconds to think over his suggestion, but rejected it, "That's too much."

"Really?" David asks, intrigued, rubbing his chin. "You had been away from the office for months with all your traveling, so what difference would a week or two make?"

"You're forgetting something my friend, I was still working even then," Jack pointed out, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips.

"You're a lost cause man!" David exclaimed in defeat.

Jack softly laughed to himself.

A soft knock on the door interrupted their conversation. They both shifted their attention to the doorknob that turned. The person seemed to struggle to open the door, causing a certain annoyance to mount in Jack. He knew it must have been one of their timid workers.

When the door eventually opened, he was surprised to see Perli's face peeking in.

"May I come in?" Her brows were raised, and a grin shaped her lips.

Unsurely, Jack nodded, calling her in with the gesturing of his two fingers. Still puzzled at her sudden appearance, he studied the way she walked into his office, dressed in a sunflower-designed dress. Her curly braids tied up into a half-messy bun, allowed the loose strand to easily sweep across her face at her every movement. But it was the bright smile on her face that seemed to have brought some life into the gloomy place.

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