The Ball

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"God! Finally!!!"

"Ready for tomorrow?"

"Yes, well no, I have to find a perfect dress for the ocassion, what about you?"

"No idea, I have the same problem."

"Yeah, well I see what I can find"

"Bye Mad Mad!"

"Bye Charts"

Charlotte ran and then she made the sign to a cab and she got in. The cloudy day was about to let the rain go down.

She arrived to a luxury store, looking for the perfect dress, so she began to navigate in the interior of the store.

After two hours, she was desesperate, because she couldn't find her perfect dress, until she saw a beautiful dress.

"Miss, can you show me this one?"


"Stupid day"

Nina was giving Victor a towel, who was drenched because the heavy rain.

"Where's Charlotte?"

"With Ms. Maddie"

Nina took Marvin in her arms and they sat in the couch and began to watch a movie.

After sometime Charlotte arrived with bags on hands and she go and kissed Marvin.

"Have you eat?"

"Nop, Nina want a sandwich? Marvin?"

"Sounds good, by the way, your husband is getting ready."

Nina didn't apart her eyes from the tv, and Charlotte walked to the kitchen.

"Come on Charlotte, we have to go!"

Victor was at the door waiting for Charlotte, who was getting ready. Nina and Marvin were by his side, he instructed her carefully about taking care of Marvin at night.

"I'm ready, let's go"

Charlotte was in an long emerald green dress, with the chest and shoulders hidden on the fabric, and she walked towards Marvin, and she kissed him. Victor saw the long opening of the skirt of the dress and he saw one of Charlotte's legs as she walked.

He calmed down himself by thinking, that she have to stay sit all the time, but when they left the place, he was upset.

"Go back and change"


"I don't like that dress"

"But I do, so since I paid for it, I'm gonna wear it, do you like it or not"


"Are you coming, or should I go by myself?"

Charlotte show him her bare back and walked away, she entered to the car and patted Victor's sit.


The rain had stopped, and the night was a little bit chill.

"Charts, so glad you came, but you have to forgive me, I put you in other table, I'm so sorry."

"It's okey Mad, what could be wrong?"

Then she saw the devil personified into a person, while Madeleine was showing them their table. A tempting Valery was wearing a red dress, her black hair fell in her shoulders, hiding part of her skin, her lips were red too and she draw a fake smile on her face.

"I'm sorry Victor, but you are the only one who he knows, and that's why that your boss is in the same table"

Maddie whispered to Victor, when she saw his reaction, but Charlotte was happy to see the man in front of them, so sexy, dressed in complete black.

"Mr. Carmine, good to see you."

"Griffin, Mrs. Griffin, it's my pleasure"

Sebastian took Charlotte's hand and kissed it.

"There are not gentleman like this anymore" a woman over her fiftys said out loud to her husband.

"Let me introduce you" Madeleine said "Mrs. Miller, they are Victor and Charlotte Griffin, friends of mine; Victor, Charlotte, Jugde Miller and his wife."

"Arthur, nice to meet you, and this beautiful woman is my wife, Margot"

When the presentations were over, they took their place on the table, Charlotte was chatting with Margot, and for Sebastian, he was observing her carefully.

Amazed for seeing her in that green dress, when she was coming in, her golden blonde her in a delicated updo, the shinning earrings, the make up in her eyes making them to look dangerous, and the soft color in her lips, inviting him to bite her.

"So, Sebastian was it? You work with Victor?"

An annoying voice interrupted him from observing Charlotte, he wanted to kill woman but yet he answered gently.

"He works for me, but it could be great if we work in a project together"

An evilly, yet sexy smile appeared on his face, watchting Victor happiness, and Charlotte smiled too, because she understood somehow his sarcasm.

"Here darling, eat some pastries"
Charlotte try to fed Victor, but he refused feeling ashamed.

"Boy, that's a good wife! One who cares about you, not matter where you are; is kinda a treasure, they don't do wife like this anymore, so comen on, ignore us and let your wife pampers you"
The judge said, hugging his wife and making Charlotte blush, but when she realized about Valery, she gave Victor a little peck on his lips.

"Well, now that we are romantic, let's go to dance honey" Margot invited to her husband to dance and he gladly accepted, taking her to the dance floor.

The music was good, everybody was dancing, only the four remained in the table.

"Sebastian, wanna dance with me?" Valery told him, leanning foward showing him, her breast.

"I'll pass"

"Victor then? Charlie can I steal your husband for a moment?"

"Sure darling, since you couldn't get a man"

Charlotte smiled sweetly, amusing Sebastian, and Valery smiled bitterly, and left to the dance floor. Sebastian's eyes were set on her, enjoying this part of her.

"Such a dangerous woman have you become"

"A poison one"

"I like your dress"

"Thanks, I like it too"

"I like... to rip it off"

Charlotte laughed for his whispered sentence and he stood beside her, inviting her to take his hand.

"Shall we dance?"

She accepted, tanking his hand while he was leading her to the dance floor. Facing each other, he gently took her hand and put his hand on her hips, she blushed remembering the first time that they danced.

Every move was so delicate, she felt like a feather on his arms, like a princess dancing with his prince, so perfect until the music was ending.

"Francis told me something about you" He whispered, taking her out of her reverie.

"What?" She was somehow a little bit afraid.

He smiled at her, and looked to the musicians and nodded to them.

"You took a some tango classes... Such a coincidence I know a little bit of tango, perhaps you can teach me a little bit more"

He whispered to her ear, sending chills to her spine, when slowly the music began again, and he pulled closer to him.

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