Dead End (Part Two)

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This chapter content OFFENSIVE LANGUAJE and VIOLENCE. I deeply recommed your discretion.

Charlotte had to ran away, she had to look for help, the bitter tears fallen, moving quickly, pushing Victor, with the only thought of save her baby.

"Where do you think are going?" Victor grabbed her arms pulling her back to him.

"Let me go, I have to save Marvin" She fought, trying to release herself.

"You are not going anywhere, I'm tired of you, and your stupidity, now you are going to give me my money back!"

"What are you going to do if I don't, kill me?"

"I already plan to do, so..." Charlotte was still trying to escape from him.

"You won't win anything you know?" She began to win time, as the same time she was thinking on a plan. "He will catch you, no matter what"

Rage was replace by undertanding on Victor's face, and he smirked evily, grabbing Charlotte with one hand.

"You were the one who told him, there's no way he could known"  Charlotte stepped backwards while she was trying to fetch something. "Don't tell me, you f*ucked with my boss? So desesperate you were, huh? Answer me f*cking b*tch!!"

"Yes!! I did it, and damn, I never enjoyed so much to have a man like him between my legs!"  Charlotte yelled, and in the same instant she took a flower vase and smashed on his head.

She ran away from him, but he catched her, bringing her down to the floor. He quickly was on top of her.

"Get off me, get off me!!" He hit her face with his fist, over and over, and then he began to choke her with both hands.

"You are a fucking slut, how low you have to be, just to keep me by your side!" She pushed him away without sucess.

"I did it because I wanted to be free, I can't stand you anymore!" Charlotte was still fighting, but her strenght was little.

Her cellphone rang, she moved him and tried to escape one more time, but he grabbed her feet and pull her to him.

She tried to kick him but he located between her legs and he, with gun in hand pointed.

"Was him? Hmm?! Did he call his little bitch?" Charlotte's heavy breath was evident, her heart was about to stop.

"F*ck you"

"You will be free, and reunite with your son..."

"Our son"

"Not so sure about that..."

"And Valery's? Are you sure it is yours?"

"Shut up, shut the f*ck up, now I will teach you a lesson" Victor put the gun on the floor and began to travel with one hand her legs, touching her sex.

"No, what are you doing, Victor, please... don't" He put his other hand on her mouth to silence her, and he invaded her forcing his entry.

The pain was overwhelming, and the tears fallen down, the man that she loved so much was causing her endless pain, and suffering.

She lost all her hopes,  she did not fight back anymore, she only closed her eyes, waiting for her end. Just in a blink of the eye she had lost her life, her marriage, and the most important; her son, in the hands of the man that she madly loved.

Her body went numb, the pain dissapeared, she was all alone in the end, there was no friends, no family, or Sebastian to help her...

She opened her eyes once more, observing the monster who was using her in that moment, then, she moved her head to her left and saw the gun.

Rage born in her, burning her soul. Revenge. The burning desire to punish him. She was thirsty of his blood, the same that killed their child.

Reaching for the gun, quickly grabbed and placing it between their bodies, she pulled the trigger.

She wanted to wound him, even kill him, but that would be an easy way for him. He had to pay for his sins.

The weight of his body was fell on her, and the warm liquide appeared. She shoved his body and moved away, waiting for him to stand.

She sitted in front of the body, yet away from it; shivering. Charlotte hugged her legs, and then she realized that lost a shoe.

Her heart was beating fast, she began to cry, anxious, nervous; she felt chills through her spine and pain on her core.

She remained there, in the corner beside the little table, observing Victor's body.

Everything ended but the price was too high. She cried for Marvin, her baby was almost three years old. She wanted a trip with him, enjoying their new life.

The future that she wanted for Marvin was gone. The life that she wanted for Marvin, was stolen by his own father.

Charlotte stood and grabbed her cellphone and made a call.

"Emergencies, how we can help you?"

She hesitated, and she cleared her throath, then she said softly.

"I've killed my husband".

"This woman is crazy, she killed her husband and son..."

A police officer commented to another after seeing Charlotte getting into a patrol, with her eyes to nowhere.

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